Also Check Out→Closure & Adventure Found Me

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Closure| Easton's daughter's story

"Family does for family"

After her father's death Minx is allowed to go through his things in order to find closure. Instead of finding closure Minx finds photos and letters, evidence that she has a family she never knew about and the truth behind her father and mother's mating. With Minx being almost of mating age herself she convinces her mother to allow her to find her other family. There she finds a friend in Amanda who suggest they go to confront her father's true mate. Minx would never have guessed that she'd find her mate too.
Adventure Found Me|Richard's daughter's story

Amanda is the last one in her family to still live at home. Her older siblings, Preston and Mindy, are too busy with their new lives to worry about involving her. She's the eldest out of the close-knit family friends who have already paired off in the hopes of being mates. Amanda is tired of wondering when her life is going to spark an adventure. She'd do anything to have some unpredictability in her life and find a mate. So, when a haunting part of her family's past comes back in the form of a girl her age she takes her chances and befriends her on the spot. This girl not only brings pain with her,but also a new world of possibilities. Amanda might just get her adventure after all and if she's lucky a mate too.


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