MTF(10): 19/20

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I grabbed at the floor blindly for my top has I stepped out of bed. I knew it had to be here somewhere. I remember leaving it by the table. Maybe, it was by the dresser? Fuck, I clutched my toe, not by the dresser. The foot of the bed?
No one was cooking breakfast when I walked into the kitchen. If I had been all the way up I would have been questioning it,but sense I was still half asleep I shrugged and began to rummage through the cabinets. There was noway I was going to be cooking anything anytime soon. I was lucky I was even out of bed this early. I hadn't done anything yesterday besides attempt to wingman Ryan. But, I was still exhausted from it.
I heard the sound of the downstairs bathroom being opened , but I didn't pay much mind to it. Soon a girl with red hair walked into the kitchen and eyed me curiously. I was curious too, but at the moment I could care less. Maybe, she knows how to cook. I hope she does because there is absolutely nothing in the cabinets to eat.
"You know how to cook?", I yawned.
She nodded.
"Awesome, I think Richard and Brian keep the cook thingies somewhere over there.", I gestured to the area opposite the oven.
"Uh, okay?", she reached for a big bowl.
Why would we need a bowl that big? It's not like I asked her to make me cereal.
The red head chick and I didn't speak again while she cooked our food. I laid my head down on the table, listening to the cracks and sizzles. The aromas of the food made me lift my head again and watch her handle the flip stick. Who was she? None of the boys said they had a sister besides Brian. Did one of them have a girlfriend I didn't know about?
"Mmmm.", I moaned has I shoved eggs into my mouth," This ish good!"
"Uh, thanks?"
I swallowed,"So, are you Peter's flavor of the day?"
She chuckled,"No, more like his flavor of the past two days."
"Impressive.", I nodded at her,"That's a record."
"We better get things going before Dylan and Cass wake up.", I heard Brian voice has the front door was closed.
"You guys were late, Ms. Two already fed me!"
"Lexi?", Richard gasped.
"Hi, Richard.", the girl smiled.
Brian moved over to me," Cass, this is Shane and Alex's little brother, Trent."
The boy from last night came into my view,"I'm not little anymore, Brian."
I hopped off my seat and stood closer to him," Not little at all.", I looked over at Brian," Are you sure he's related to the twins?"
"I question if I'm adopted too, don't worry."
If I looked closely Trent did have some similarities with the twins. He didn't have their blond hair, but he did have their dark brown eyes. He couldn't be that young though, he looked like he was around my age. Plus, he was just has tall as the rest of the boys. There's noway he could be younger than sixteen.
"What are you guys doing dressed like that in front of my little brother!?", Shane shouted.
Both Ms. Two and I looked down at ourselves. She was wearing one of Peter's shirts while I wore a tank top.
"At least we're wearing underwear.", I shrugged," Don't be a prude."
"He's my little brother!"
I looked over at Trent who was already looking me over," He doesn't look little to me."
"Don't you even think about it!"
I raised my hands," I wasn't thinking anything."
"Chill, Shane, he's seventeen. Two years barely makes him our little brother."
"See, even if we did anything it wouldn't matter because we're the same age."
Shane crossed his arms," He just turned seventeen so he's practically still sixteen."
Alex laughed," Well, that sixteen year old over there already saw her boobs, there's no going back now."
Peter walked in," Who saw her boobs?"
"Alex, Trent, and Richard decided to be peeping toms last night."
He looked over at his brother," I thought you said there was nothing going on between you two."
"Maybe, I should go.", Ms. Two spoke up.
I turned to her," Why? Richard hasn't even finished cooking. You can't tell me that little bit filled you up."
"I don't eat much."
"Oh, well bye I guess. There's some clothes in his closet you can borrow."
When Peter and the girl left all the boys turned to me," You act like she's your one night stand."
"It doesn't bother you that she was with him?"
"So you think her hair was real?"
" She said that its been two nights and no I have no claim on him."
The boys' faces glazed over.
"But, weren't you with him the other night?"
"I interrupted them. "
"You didn't answer my question!", Annabelle huffed.
"It looks real enough to me, Belle."
I rolled my eyes once more has the boys shouted at the tv screen. We had been watching basketball games that felt like they went on for hours. At first they were interesting and I was shouting at the screen too, but now I was just plain bored. Most of the boys had left so it was just Alex, Trent, Dylan, Annabelle, and I in the man cave. There were plenty of things we could have been doing to entertain ourselves, but we were all too lazy and tired to get up and do anything. So, we all mutually slouched down into the couches.
None of us dared raise our voices for it would take too much effort. Even the shouts aimed at the tv were of a low pitch. We couldn't be bothered with answering the phone that was ringing upstairs either. We all just kept our gazes on the tv screen. A loud crunch or inhale of smoke could be heard every couple minutes with a small chuckle following it.
"I still don't like her.",Annabelle mumbled to herself.
I rolled my eyes at her, she had been grumbling about Ms.Two since they left.
"I don't care if she's the best lay in town, I don't like her."
I chuckled," I've always wondered what a Crabby Paddy would taste like."
️Dylan turned to me with a smile,"Me too."
" But, isn't it just a burger?", Trent asked.
" When'd you guys change the channel?"
"No, it's a Crabby Paddy.", I grumbled has Dylan and I made Crabby Paddies out of the food we had brought with us.
I don't think I've ever been this hungry in my life. At this moment I didn't even care what I was eating has long has it satisfied my hunger. To be honest I had never smoked before, but it wasn't has bad as I thought it would be. When Annabelle first suggested it I got nervous. I've done things that are thought to be equally has bad, but I had never once done it before.
I was expecting it to be like how it was in the movies, but it wasn't. It only made me calm and hungry. Annabelle said the reason why it's like that in movies was because the kind they had had more than one thing in it. I did get a bit giggly I admit, but what was so bad about that?
I was really starting to change my thoughts about the whole thing now that I had actually done it. I don't know why I was so scared about it in the first place. Annabelle said that whenever she had a really stressful day instead of turning to alcohol she'd just take a smoke break. I would do it too if I could because I wasn't feeling the least bit stressed right now. I felt like my worries had just floated away.
"What the hell!", a voice boomed from the top of the stairs," We've been calling you nonstop!"
We all looked up to see Richard, Shane, and Peter glaring down at us.
I set the roach down and lit up a new one lifting it into the air," Sit down , we've made Crabby Paddies."
I gestured for them to sit beside me with a solemn face," You may join us."
"It's our anniversary!", Alex shouted.
I raised my brow at him," And, what are we celebrating?"
"It our one month! It seems like it been longer doesn't it?"
I shrugged my shoulders," It does actually. But, our one month passed like a week ago."
"Don't be a party pooper!", Trent shouted.
"We should have a party!"
I rolled my eyes at her," Belle, the only reason you want a party is because we haven't gone to one in a while."
"Is that a bad thing?", Dylan walked up beside us.
"No, I think we should, it'll be fun."
"Yes!",Ari shouted from beside me,"We get to go shopping!"
Once we had made it to my room after we had gone shopping, Ari cornered me into talking about Richard. I thought she would be over her crush by now, but it seemed to only have grown. I noticed that Brian had developed a little crush of his own as well. I could tell that a love triangle was starting to form between my three friends, but I didn't know how to stop it. Especially, since two of them were unrequited love and the other was clueless.
I was stuck between choosing to interfere or let it play out. If I interfered I could stop the drama before it started or it could just get worse, but if I didn't it would end up with people getting hurt. It'd be best if I did interfere though. That way the pain wouldn't be has harsh as it would be if it continued. I had to at least tell one of them that it would more than likely not work out between them.
"Are you sure you really like Richard?"
Ari sat on my bed,"Of course I am. Why, you don't think I have a chance?"
I winced," It's just that he's twenty one ."
She crossed her arms,"Peter's twenty."
Of course, she would go there. She knows that Peter and I have been on edge around each other lately. I wasn't over the fact that he could start to be growing feelings for me. Sure, he still had random hook ups, most of them with Ms.Two, but that didn't mean anything to me. It just made me uncomfortable that he could be thinking about me in that way.
"That's not my point. I'm just not sure if you would have a chance with him."
She stood up,"Are you kidding me right now!?"
"I'm not trying to insult you.", I raised my hands in the air," I haven't seen him with a girl since I got here that's all."
Her shoulders sagged,"So, he's gay?"
I laughed," Hold up, let me get Belle, this is too funny!"
I opened my door," Belle, come here!"
I heard her heels stomping the floor has she made her way down the hallway," What!?"
"Ari thinks Richard's gay!"
Annabelle bent over,"Really!?", she whipped a tear," He's definitely not!"
Ari's eyes lit up," So, I have a chance!?"
"Oh.", Annabelle's face went blank," I didn't know you liked him."
"Don't tell me you like him too!"
"No, it's not that. Richard doesn't want to date until he meets the love of his life."
I rolled my eyes," Again with the true love shit."
"Wait, I could be her! How could he not date if he wants to find her!? I could be her!"
Annabelle sighed,"I'm sorry, but Richard would have said something if you were."
Sensing Ari's mood I decided to change the subject," So, how was your birthday back home? I'm sorry I wasn't there for it."
Ari gave me a sad smile,"It was great, I missed you though.", Ari turned to Annabelle," Wait, wasn't it your birthday the other day?"
"Yeah, I went out with a couple of my friends to a club. I didn't find Mr.Right, but I had a hell of a night!"
"I know.", I grumbled," I held your hair back."
She grabbed my shoulders," And I love you for that!"
I had already been drinking for a while now and I still haven't felt the numbing buzz I was supposed to be feeling. It didn't stop me from doing anything stupid, but it did annoy me. It was my one month with the boys ,damn it, and I wanted to get wasted. I hadn't talked to my uncle in awhile either. I kept reminding myself to do it, but I never did.
I still wanted to know about the ,"changes", and ,"similarities", he was talking about the last time I saw him. I've heard the boys whispered conversations every now and then, but they weren't too concerning. I knew that they were watching me at the corner of their eyes, looking for something. I didn't know what they were looking for , but I watched them too. Like, the way their faces glaze over sometimes, or their super hearing.
I was moving through bumping bodies when Trent grabbed me. I wasn't expecting it and let out a little scream which he teased me about. I haven't spent much time with Trent, but the time I did spend with him told me that he liked me or at least was interested. The main reason we didn't spend much time alone together was because of Shane. Whenever he wasn't out with Sandy he was watching us like a hawk.
I swear he acts like I'm going to take Trent's innocence away. But, the way Trent was acting while our bodies were pushed up against each other proved that he was anything, but innocent. In fact I would even take a guess that it wasn't his first time trying to get with one of his brothers' friends. Why else would Shane be acting like a mother hen? Besides the fact that he thinks I'm the devil, tempting his "little" brother to do naughty things. When in fact it was quite the opposite.
"Let's go up to your room.", he whispered in my ear.
"Yeah, sure.", I nodded, finally feeling the effects of the alcohol.
I guess it was just a late kick in.
One step on the stairs was all it took for us to get interrupted. It wasn't Shane though, but Annabelle's voice that stopped us. I really wanted to spent some "alone time" with Trent, but "chicks over dicks" always ruled over getting laid. I looked at Trent and then at the direction of Annabelle's voice and moved away from the stairs. I had to make sure she didn't do anything too stupid because I'm pretty sure whoever the unlucky girl or boy was deserved it.
"You slut!", a blonde girl pulled Annabelle's hair.
Ha, what a bitch move.
Annabelle punched the girl away, not caring about her hair," You're one to talk, you were all over him!"
What surprised me most about this whole thing, because come on Annabelle getting into a fight at a party was expected, was that when I looked for who ,"him", was it was Blake. Since, when did Blake become worth fighting over? But, I mean the bitch did look like she could use a good beating. It was her mouth really, if she just learn to keep it closed she'd end up with less bruises. Not that I was rooting for her or anything. She just needed to learn when to pick her battles.
"Come on, Belle, it's not a big deal!", Blake reasoned.
"Not a big deal!", she turned and punched him in the face," So, you'd rather be with her!?"
Blake tried to grab her,"Of course, not!"
The blonde pulled Annabelle away from Blake and slammed her on the ground. I tried to step in, but Trent kept holding me back. I knew why he was holding me back and I knew that Annabelle can fight her own fights, but I didn't care! Annabelle was my girl and that blonde bitch needed to learn her place. So, I did the only thing I could think of at the moment and punched Trent.
I took to two steps into the fight and pulled Annabelle off of the girl. I pushed her to Blake and picked the girl up by the front of her dress," Who the hell do you think you are!?", I punched right in the jaw.
"Get away from me!"
"Oh, now you want to play victim!", I grabbed her hair,"You know hair pulling is a real bitch move."
She spit on me and that's when all hell broke loose. I pulled her up by the hair I already had in my hand and kneed her in the gut. While she was bent over I punched her again, making her stager a bit. I didn't care if I was going over board, she hit Annabelle and she spit on me. That was reason enough to throw a couple of punches to me.
"Awe, Annabelle can't fight her own fights! That's why Blake would want me more than he would want you!"
I heard Annabelle's roars from behind me has I pushed the girl against the wall," It doesn't look like he wants you."
She turned her face to see Blake holding Annabelle tightly," He's faking it!"
"No, he as faking it when he was with you.", she turned me around and punched me in my gut.
"How does that feel, huh? Hurts doesn't it?"
What the fuck?
I slammed her into the floor and held her down while I punched her some more.
"Cassy, that's enough.", Dylan pulled me into his arms.
"That's right, run along to your boyfriend!"
I kicked her in the face before Dylan could get me farther from her," Leave him out of this!"
Dylan cleaned my cuts once we got into our room. I thought he was going to lecture me, but instead he congratulated me. "You did good.", was not what I was expecting at all.
I thought it would be,"You should have known better than to get into another fight." It was still hard to believe that Annabelle would fight over Blake. She's the one who told me to stay away from him because he was dangerous.
"The bitch deserved it.", Dylan whispered has we tucked ourselves into bed.
I chuckled,"Yeah, but if Annabelle doesn't explain by tomorrow she's getting that same thing."
"I'll help."
AN| We made it to Chapter Ten! To be honest writing long chapters and saving them is hard. Instead of updating five at a time I just want to update when I finish.

Thank you for reading this far into MTF. I asked in the beginning to just give it a chance up to chapter ten. You didn't have to so I'm happy you did. Hopefully you don't regret it. Sorry about the mistakes you might have noticed.

Okay now I want to ask something of you all again. So far there hasn't been any comments. Thank you to those of you who have actually voted. It means a lot. Anyway I just wanted to ask if you guys would comment what you think of MTF from chapter one to ten. I enjoy the votes, but I really want the comments too.

They're a way for me to know what you think about the story. If it's worth voting or commenting about an event in the story. It all matters to me because I value your opinions. I hope they are mostly positive, but if they are negative please be constructive about it. I can't believe I wrote ten chapters.

I usually can think up a good idea for a story, but can never finish it. I know what I want to happen just not how to make it happen. I won't quit on MTF. That's why I have How About This? in my works so all my ideas can be in one place. It sucks putting what I thought might be a good story on hold because I lost inspiration or have writers block.

Thank you for giving MTF a chance! ♡♥︎♡


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