MTF(18): 35/36

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"Oliver?", I moved my hand around to find his body.
I smiled and moved my self on top of him. His body felt slightly different , but I didn't pay much attention to it. He actually stayed! I moved my lips on top of his, slowly moving my hand into his hair. At first he didn't do anything, but once he figured out what I was doing he brought me closer.
"Mm.", I moaned into the kiss while he tightened his grip on me.
I reached between us and grabbed onto his erection. He moaned again has I slipped my tongue into his mouth. Would it be okay for us to do this in my father's house? Now that I think about it it is kind of awkward. I pulled away and opened my eyes.
"Cass, I swear if you weren't my best friend I would take you right now.", he breathed.
I shifted my hips,"Don't make promises you can't keep."
"If you keep waking me up like that I just might have to.", his grip on me tightened.
"You're brother wants- are you guys fucking!?"
I raised my fist ," No, he said something mean about Oliver so I'm beating him up."
"Doesn't look like it."
"Alex, Do you want me to beat you up too?"
"I'll leave!", he shut the door.
I dropped myself on Dylan's chest," Can you imagine if he walked in a couple minutes ago?"
"Yeah, we wouldn't hear the end of it. Peter and Richard would probably end up killing me.", he laughed.
I got off him,"True. You should take a shower."
He bit his lip,"You're lucky I'm not making you fix this."
I laughed has I changed into a pair of shorts,"Gladly."
"I really need to take a shower."
"Have fun!", I shouted has he closed the door.
I sighed has my brother lectured me again. This has been going for the past hour and he's running out of ways to say," stay away from Oliver". I could care less what he thinks of Oliver. Oliver was my boyfriend and he would have to get over that. It's not like he's actually in a brother position to be giving me this talk.
My father didn't even take has long as this! He got straight to the point and said,"Elaine, I know you won't listen to me if I tell you to stop seeing him so just don't get pregnant." See how easy it could have been, but no my brother wanted to act all macho. Please, like he could do anything about me dating Oliver. He was just trying to control me and my life.
I'll be dammed if I ever let him do that!
"I'm sorry about your grandfather.", Kolby spoke from the other side of the phone.
"It sucks, but he'd hit me if he saw me moping around about it."
"Are you still with that Oliver guy?"
"Yeah, my dad and brother hate him."
He laughed," That's understandable."
"Are you coming back for Peter's birthday? I know there was a misunderstanding before, but you guys are still friends."
"Maybe, but I'll be there for yours."
"Yeah, it feels like it's taking forever this year."
"Nah, it's just that everyone's birthday is before yours."
"True, I think you should come for the party though."
"I'll think about it."
"That's great! I can't wait for you-"
"Who are you on the phone with?"
I looked up at Peter,"None of your business!"
"Cass are you-"
Peter grabbed my phone,"Who is this?"
I sighed and laid back on the bed. Peter was so controlling these days. I mean, come on, we just got back and you're already taking the place of my annoying brother!? At least this would be a chance for him and Kolby to talk again. It looked like it was going pretty good.
I watched has he talked on the phone with his brows scrunched up a bit. He had an intense look on his face, like he was trying to remember everything. Could they be on the way to best friends again? Maybe, that would make Kolby want to come home earlier or at least for Peter's birthday. I still feel guilty for ripping them apart.
Peter dropped the phone next to me,"Why are you on my bed while you're talking to Kolby?"
"I didn't get to say goodbye."
He grabbed my legs and pulled me to him,"Are you trying to start something?"
I sat up and moved my hands through his hair,"Why would I want to do that?"
He leaned his head against my shoulder,"I don't know."
I sighed and pulled his head back,"We haven't fought in awhile, I wouldn't want to start that again."
He kissed my forehead,"I know."
"Good.",I pushed him,"Now ,get away from me you're acting weird."
"Shut it!"
I slammed the door.
Once, I got to my room I found it empty so I decided to take the opportunity to look at the files from my father's office. I hadn't looked at it since the day of the funeral. What if it was something bad like me being adopted or something? Or, that I'm some kind of lab experiment? That would explain the ," I haven't noticed any changes ", and," they're noticing similarities."
I clicked on the files and nervously waited to see what was inside. Whatever it was it could change things for me and my family. What if it was something big? Could I forgive them for something like that? I just had to hope that it wasn't.
In the first file there were pictures of a huge wolf. Where wolves really that size? I couldn't be sure since I've never seen one. Has I scrolled down I noticed how the wolf varied in sizes in each picture. Where they raising it?
"Few outbreaks,
Nothing too fatal."
"She's shown signs, but only when not taking the substance properly."
"What the fuck? Am I really an experiment?"
I continued reading,"Enhanced capabilities. She hasn't questioned anything yet , but we're expecting it to be soon."
The door opened,"What are you reading?"
"Nothing. Let's just go to bed."
If they were keeping things like this from me,what else were they keeping from me? I don't even remember being given any type of medicine. What kind of outbreaks could they be talking about? Sickness? And, what the hell did the wolf have to do with anything?
"When we were visiting Trent why were you guys so busy?"
Dylan sat next to me,"We were dealing with some stuff."
"Oh.", I'm not letting any of this go.
If my grandfather knew than my father knew,and if my father knew than that meant my uncle knew. So, that means they knew too. They've been keeping secrets from me and I want to know what they were. It wasn't just secret conversations now. They were hiding something.
Richard put a hand on my shoulder,"Why are you so tense?"
"She probably hasn't got laid in a while.",Alex laughed from the other side of the table.
"No, If it was that I would've had Oliver help me with it by now."
"Oliver?", Peter questioned.
I took a bite full of spaghetti,"When's your party?"
"The week after next."
"Is everything all right?", Sandy looked at me with a frown on her face.
"Leave me alone, Sandy."
She stood up and slammed her fork down,"I'm tired of you Cass!"
I laughed,"What a coincidence?"
"Uh!", she stormed up to their room.
"You better kiss it all better.", I pointed my fork at Shane.
"No, you'll go and apologize to her."
I laughed,"Why would I do that?"
He stood up,"Because you owe it to her!"
I sighed and set down my fork,"She's been bitching at me since she came here, how do I owe her an apology?"
"Don't talk about her like that!"
I stepped closer,"I'll do what I want and at this moment I don't want to deal with her. You're the boyfriend, so you deal with her."
"Cassandra, I'm warning you!"
I laughed," Gonna hit me?"
"Shane!", Alex yelled,"Calm down!"
"You know what!? I'm tired of you too Cass! All she's ever done is try to help you, but you shut her down every time!"
"You mean, telling me that I don't know what I'm doing with my life and trying to hook me up with Alex?"
"She's just looking out for you!"
"She sure has a good way of doing it. Looking down on me like she knows what's best!"
"She doesn't mean it that way! Cass, go and apologize now!"
I couldn't help, but to hit him. I didn't mean to though, it just happened. In my defense he was close to hitting me too. It would have ended a lot worse if he did. My father would be mad at me if I let him get away with the way he was talking to me.
"You hit me!", Shane held his jaw.
Dylan and Peter pushed me back before he could get up all the way. I'd like to see the fucker try to hit me. I was practically begging him to. With all this stress this was exactly what I needed. Unfortunately, Brian and Richard pulled him away before anything else could happen.
"What the hell!?"Dylan turned to me.
"Are you okay?", Peter grabbed my hand.
"Don't give me that look,Dylan. He was being disrespectful. In my family we don't let that slide. "
"You could have got hurt!", he shouted.
I shrugged,"But, I didn't."
"I'll take her to my room, you help with Shane."
I took my arm out of his grasp,"I'm not sleeping with you."
He sighed,"I'm just taking you out of harms way."
"Yeah, okay.", I said sarcastically, but still followed him to his room.
He pulled me onto the couch and turned on the tv," Why'd you start the fight?"
"I didn't!", I went to punch him , but he grabbed my fist.
"I thought we said no fighting?"
I relaxed into him,"He was talking down to me, just like her."
"You know she's not like that."
I sighed,"I know."
"Then, apologize."
I stood up,"Fine, you ass!"
I walked up the hallway. I can't believe Peter convinced me to do this. I swear if this backfires it's his fault. At least I can say I tried. I was forced to do it, but at least I was doing it.
I slammed the door open,"Listen here, bitch!"
Sandy stood up,"Must you say those kind of things to me?"
"Yes.", I sighed,"Sandy, I'm sorry for acting like a bitch to you, but you were acting like one too. So,don't try to blame me for my behavior when you weren't being so nice yourself."
Sandy patted the seat beside her,"Let's talk."
I scoffed,"What, am I a dog now?"
"That's what a bitch is."
My hands curled into fists,"Listen, I didn't even want to apologize so you better be grateful."
"Grateful? How can I be grateful when it isn't even genuine?"
"Well, sorry, for not feeling bad about treating someone the same way they treated me!"
"I've never acted like that to you."
I gave her a look,"You tried to dictate my life."
Her eyes began to water,"I never meant to."
I rolled my eyes,"Do you always cry for everything?"
"I can't help it.", she moved her hair out of her face.
"Is that a...", I pushed her hair to the side,"Tattoo?"
She covered her neck,"It's nothing!"
"I've seen tattoos like that before. I even thought of getting one myself."
She gaped at me,"You want one?"
"I have a tattoo on my ribs, I think I can handle one on my neck."
"What!? When did you get that!? Tattoos are bad for the body,Cass."
"I got it after we left from my grandfather's funeral. My dad and brother don't know so keep your mouth shut. Besides you can't say that when you have one yourself."
"It's different!"
I stood up,"Why because it's you that has it!?"
This bitch has been trying me for months , she's lucky I'm such a nice person because other wise she'd be on the floor right now. I swear I fucking hate her! I tried to make up with her, but again she acts like she's better than me. How can she say I shouldn't have a tattoo when she has one too!? This bitch was really asking for a beating and I'd gladly give it to her.
"How'd it go?", Peter looked at me has I stormed into his room.
I slammed my lips into his not bothering to answer. If there was one thing that could get Sandy off my mind it was Peter. Peter was the person to go to when the stress was to hard to deal with. Peter made it all go away. It was Peter that I thought of first when it came to things like this.
He pulled away,"That bad, huh?"
Shane's POV in My Point of View ★★★★★★★★★★★★


AN| The picture above is for any of you who would like to write scenes based off of More Than Friendship.

(Remember to hashtag #morethanfriendship or #MTF so we can all read it.)

I'm looking forward to reading your version of what you picture happening in the future/past of the characters in More Than Friendship.

Don't forget about Shane's POV.


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