MTF(19): 37/38

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I sighed has I sat down next to Richard. Everyone was out today doing their own thing while Richard and I were stuck home. I wasn't mad at them for living their lives, but I was a bit jealous. I bet they were all having a great time too. I would have gone out with Oliver, but again he was helping Blake.
I was really starting to hate Blake. First, he takes my friend and now my boyfriend. Of course, I didn't blame Oliver for helping his family, it was what's right. I'm sure he would understand if I had to do the same. I just wish he had time to spend with me.
"Nothing to do, huh?"
I looked down at my lap,"Yeah."
He slung his arm around me,"They're all out with their boyfriends and girlfriends and you're wondering why you can't do the same?"
I nodded," I haven't seen Ari since her and Brian started officially dating. I'm happy for them, but I still miss her."
"She'll come around."
"You're right."
He shrugged,"Always am, always will. Let's just relax for the day."
I closed my eyes and relaxed back into the couch. Richard was right about Ari coming around again. Brian and her were just still in the honeymoon stage. When they got off cloud nine she'd notice. Until then I'll just enjoy my time with the boys.
"How long do you think they've been like that?", I heard Sandy whisper.
"Maybe, she's not his after all.", Alex whispered back.
"I should take a picture for evidence.", Dylan snickered.
I felt Richard shift beneath me,"What are you guys doing?"
"What are you guys doing?", Dylan answered back.
I felt him shrug,"We fell asleep."
"In each other's arms? You know that's not fair to him.",Sandy admonished.
"We were just talking."
"Talking? About what exactly?"
Richard pulled my legs into his lap and stood up,"I'm taking her to bed, you can think what you want."
When I was woken up again it wasn't because of my idiot friends , but someone shaking my body. At first I just pushed them off me with a blind eye. It didn't work, obviously. So, I resorted to punch the air around me. Which just caused whoever it was to laugh. They were even pulling my hair.
"I swear, Alex ,if you pull my hair one more time I'll kill you."
A chuckle was all that answered me.
"I would think you would know the difference between the two of us, Cass. "
I opened my eyes,"Kolby!", I attacked him with a hug,"When did you get here!?"
"A while ago, what's this I hear of you and Richard?"
I laughed," We fell asleep on the couch and you know how they love to play match maker."
"That I do.", he grabbed my hand,"Let's go eat lunch."
In the cave sat Dylan, Alex and Sandy, all munching from bags of chips. They hardly noticed us walk in with their faces transfixed onto the new tv Richard had bought. I smiled at the way they laughed at the stupid things the tv character was saying. I might get mad at them sometimes, but I would never be able to stay mad. These people were my friends and I was glad that I had them.
"Kolby?", Peter spoke from behind us.
My smile instantly faded at the sight of him,"Peter, where have you been?"
He grabbed my arm,"With Lexi.", he looked over me," It's nice to see you again."
"I told Cass I would come back so I had to."
"Oh, really?"
"Is my room still there?"
"Kolby!", Sandy shouted from below us.
Alex made his way up the stairs to us,"It's nice to see you Kolby. Richard will be back later."
Richard was happy to see Kolby like everyone else though he did give him strange looks. Shane didn't look at me the whole time during lunch. I wouldn't look at him either if he had punched me so I couldn't really hold it against him. I don't know how we were going to get passed it. I mean I did do what he wanted me to in the end.
"Are you going to eat that?",Dylan pointed a ketchup covered finger at my macaroni.
"You're food, Cass ,are you going to eat it?"
"Oh,sure.", I passed my plate to him.
A hand was placed on my shoulder,"Are you okay, Cass?"
I looked up at him,"I'm fine."
Kolby grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat,"Why don't we go for a walk?"
I smiled,"Okay."
Kolby wasn't the same person he was when he left us. Before, he would always send me weird looks, but now he talked to me like he would anybody. Leaving us changed him somehow,and I liked it. This Kolby made me laugh. I could be this Kolby's friend without worrying about him having more than just friends feelings for me.
"No! Really, he did that!?"
"Yeah! Paint was everywhere!"
"Back in Australia, there was this girl that surfed with her top off!"
"No!", Dylan and I laughed.
"Yeah, it didn't work out too well for her!"
"I can imagine!"
My eyes widened has I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me.
"What are you guys talking about?"
Kolby squinted,"Peter."
I turned awkwardly,"A topless surfer?"
"Oh.", He rested his face in my neck.
"Um.", I moved myself out of his arms,"I think I'm going to go check on Oliver."
I leaned back into Oliver's chest has we watched Austin try to beat Easton at yet another round of Mario Cart. It was hilarious how they argued about who the better driver was and how the game correlated to how they drove in real life. Easton was in the mist of shoving beating Austin with Princess Peach when I saw Annabelle walk in. I hadn't seen her since we had that big fight and I had forgotten that she lived with them now. I would just have to ignore her presence to prevent another fight from happening.
"You guys are completely underestimating Princess Peach.", I huffed.
Oliver laughed,"Are you secretly a Princess Peach fan?"
"I wouldn't be surprised!",Easton laughed still concentrated on beating Austin.
"There's nothing wrong with that."
"Oh, of course not.",Austin mocked.
The game was paused has all of us looked at Annabelle's shocked face. What did she forget I was dating her boyfriend's brother? It's not like it was something to be shocked about. Or did she expect me to brake up with him because they were related? Blake's face was worse than hers though, his face actually paled.
"Wow, does everyone's face do that when they see me?"
"Do you want to leave?",Oliver whispered.
"Why? We're all having a good time."
I shook my head,"Maybe Austin can finally win a game."
"That's just insulting!",Austin shouted has he un paused the game.
At least a fight between Annabelle and I had been avoided. I really didn't want to stop coming over here because she didn't like me. What if she convinced Oliver to break up with me? Would she really go that far? I did sleep with her boyfriend.
"Can we talk Cass?"
Everyone stiffened,"I don't really feel like talking."
"Cass, we need to talk."
I sighed and kissed Oliver," I'll see you later."
He stood up with me,"Let me drive you back."
"I drove here, remember?"
"Than, let me walk you out."
I smiled and grabbed his hand,"You're too cute."
He smirked,"You don't have to go home just yet."
I looked over at Annabelle and then back at him,"I should though."
He kissed my cheek,"Stay with me?"
I sighed,"How can I say no to you?"
My uncle stood in front of me with a curious yet cautious gaze on his face. He knew that I was up to something and at this point I didn't care if he knew. I wanted to know what he was hiding from me. If I had to use the favorite niece card I would. The files could only tell me so much.
"So, are there wolves in the forest?"
"What would make you think that?"
"Well, we did have to drive a long time just to go to the beach and don't wolves stay in the forest?"
"They do, but why are you wanting to know?"
I paused," I thought I saw one."
The one from dad's secret files that I'm sure you have a copy of.
"You don't need to worry about them. Most of them are harmless. "
"So, if I found one it wouldn't bite me?"
He gave me a strange look,"Why would you want to find one?"
"It'd be cool.", I shrugged.
"She's been curious ever since we watched a movie a couple weeks back.", Richard told my uncle.
"What was it about?"
Wolves, duh!
"Were- You're interested in silly things like that?"
"It wouldn't be that bad."
"Why don't you go hang out with Dylan while I talk to Richard?"
Sending me away must mean I'm close to finding something out!
"Hey, Dyl.", I took his chips and dip.
"Well, hi to you too!", he laughed sarcastically.
"My uncle said there might be wolves in the forest.", I looked for his reaction.
"You mean woods?"
I guess he wasn't going to crack either.
"No, woods are smaller.", I stuck my tongue at him.
"Don't worry about things like wolves."
"Eating without me?", Kolby stole the chip bag from me.
"Hey!", Dylan and I shouted.
"Should have held on tighter."
Alex walked in next and took the bag from Kolby,"Should have held on tighter.", he mimicked.
Dylan and I looked at each other before I threw the dip bowl onto Alex and ran out of the room. My uncle and Richard laughed at us has we passed them, but they laughed harder when they saw Alex. That's what he gets for the paint incident and stealing our food from Kolby. We were just about to get it back ,too! We just had to find a place to hide.
"Here!", Dylan pulled me into the pantry.
"Jackpot!", I grabbed a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos off the shelf.
It took Alex a total of thirty minutes to find us and it wasn't even him that walked in on us ,but my uncle. We were in mid food war when he found us too. At first, we were scared that he was going to yell at us, but he just laughed and shut the door. We shrugged and continued what we were doing until Alex opened the door. Then we just decided to throw Oreos at him.
"Did you guys have fun at your uncle's house?",Peter asked once we got back to the house.
"You could have had fun too if you came."
"Lexi asked me to come over.", he shrugged.
"I think I'm going to go get changed."
"I'll help.",He smirked.
"No, I'm good."
I don't know why it bothered me that he had spent "time" with Ms.Two, but it did. It's not like she was anything to be compared to. What I needed to be focused on was the secrets my uncle and Richard were hiding. Shady behavior was more important than worrying about who he's been with. Who cares what him and Ms.Two were doing?
Two knocks sounded at the door,"Cass, can I come in?"
It was Shane.
"Sure.", I quickly pulled up my shorts.
"Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day."
"I know you are."
"I mean- you know?"
"You didn't mean what you said.",I nodded.
"It's just that with Sandy-"
"You're an idiot."
"Yeah, so."
"Just leave, I accept your apology."
It's not like I could stay mad at Shane forever. He was just defending someone he loves. I wasn't going to end our friendship over one fight, no mater how annoying his girlfriend was. But, I did appreciate him coming to me to apologize. At least we were actually talking, unlike Annabelle and I.
It's not that I didn't want to talk to her it's just that I didn't know what to say. What do you say to someone when you slept with a random guy and it so happened to be your friend's boyfriend? I've never had to deal with something like this. All the guys I've ever been with were single. Then again, Blake was technically single at the time, so did that make it okay?
Annabelle ended up hurt either way so didn't really make a difference. I could see where she was coming from ,metaphorically speaking, but if I was in the same situation would I go has far as telling a friend that I would kill them? It's not like he got me pregnant or anything. We just had sex and it was one time, we were drunk too if I'm remembering it correctly. She had nothing to worry about,why would I go after Blake if I already had Oliver?
"Do you mind sleeping with Peter tonight? Jessie's coming over."
I nodded,"Just change the sheets by tomorrow."
Did Peter change the sheets when him and Ms.Two were finished?
Cassandra E. Summers:
- 6 weeks without
•increased strength
-13 weeks without (3 months)
•increased hearing
• triggered anger - may be connected to a certain housemate
•no shift
"That was just before the funeral."
I logged out of my email,"Nothing it's just that it's been so long since I started living here."
He held my cheek and kissed my forehead,"It doesn't feel like it's been that long."
I scrunched up my face,"Peter!"
He sighed,"What now?"
"You're sleeping on the couch!", I pointed across the room.
"You're kicking me out of my own bed?"
"I have to make sure you don't do anything weird again."
"Seriously?", he raised a brow at me has he grabbed a pillow.
"Yes, now go!"
"I'm going to have back pain!", he wined.
"Not my problem!"
"But, you could fi-"
"I'm not doing that either!"
"I guess I could just call Lexi."
I rolled in the opposite direction of the couch,"Go to sleep!"

Why did they lecture Richard?

♥︎ Kolby ♥︎


Should Cass forgive Belle? (Would you?)

♥︎ Shane ♥︎


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