MTF(1): 1/2

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I had been walking down the streets of my uncle's town for what seems like hours. He wanted to show me the sights himself , but I politely declined. I'm sure we had different definitions of 'sights'. Currently, I was walking adjacent to a beach not too far off. The sidewalk had many cracks and a few wrappers some kids must have 'accidentally ' dropped.

My parents had sent me to my Uncle Lenny's for the summer, but I had a feeling it was going to be much longer then that. My parents were going through a 'rough patch' so they thought it would be better to send me away for now. I wasn't holding a grudge though, I missed my Uncle Lenny. He was the cool uncle that let you do practically anything. Why would I hold a grudge when I got the better end of the deal?

It was actually quit peaceful here. The place my dad described in his teenage years' stories was definitely not the same place. The waves were crashing lightly onto the beach's shoreline , only a couple of people were spread out on the white sand, and the sun was setting beautifully. There was no rowdy teens causing trouble either.Supposedly my dad and uncle were the main causers of the trouble back in their 'day'.

A loud noise disrupted the tranquil atmosphere I was staring at causing me to realize just how long I was actually standing there. I looked around to find where the noise was coming from , but I didn't see anything. The people on the beach didn't move at all, still transfixed by the ocean's sunset. Was I hearing things? I definitely did hear it and I still do.

It sounded like it was getting closer.
Once the noise was close enough I could tell that it was actually music pumping through a car's speakers. I knew the song too and I couldn't help myself from walking to the pace of the song while nodding my head to the beat. The music continued to get louder has the car came forward. I turned my head looking for the car , but I couldn't see it anywhere.

Maybe they had turned down a different road.


I turned again to see that a guy was hanging outside of the driver side of the car's window. He seemed pumped up on something , but I found myself smiling back at him. And here I was being disappointed about not seeing anyone here around my age. It was definitely a relief seeing him. Of course there would be other teens here, but I hadn't seen any on my walk.

To be honest I was just bored and yearning for company. Actually no, I was desperate.


"We're heading to a party, wanna come?"

"How do I know there's actually a party and you're not trying to rape and kill me?", I laughed.

"Because! Who would want to kill you? Raping I can see ,but killing nah that's too far!", he laughed back.

"Come on it's a party!",a guy form the back of the car yelled.

Actually, there were a lot of guys in the back of his car laughing. Should I go? I don't even know these guys and they could easily over power me. You know what, fuck it. My uncle didn't even set up a curfew.

It's not like he would mind has long as I was safe anyway. Plus it'd be a great way to experience the fond memories my dad told me about.


"Come on! Come on! ", another guy shouted.

"Peer pressure! Peer pressure! Give in! Give in!", the guy beside him shouted back.

I laughed harder now,"If you'd shut it you'd hear that I've already said yes!", I shook my head.

There were more shouts that roared from inside the car. I swear they took something to get them this excited. Which brought me back to why I was even taking the risk. It's not like I haven't took risks like this before, but it was in a town I knew. Well those risks turned out to be good hopefully this one will to I though has I walked up to the car.

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