MTF(22): 43/44

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I was almost completely back to normal now. I was still hesitant when I was around Peter,but other than than I was fine. It was almost like nothing had happened–almost. I spent more time with my friends like I used to. Oliver had a hard time getting over what happened, but when I offered to spend more time with him too he settled down.
Darla and I's friendship continued to grow, much to Sandy and Ari's disappoint. Sandy thought I was being a bad influence on her little sister and Ari still hasn't got passed me having a new friend. It wasn't like she was around often enough to be getting mad anyway. She was still my best friend so she had nothing to worry about ,but it would be nice if she at least called every now and then. I was more worried about the way my body has been acting though lately.
I didn't feel sick or anything like that, but something definitely felt different. I couldn't point out what it was exactly. It wasn't a bad feeling so I hadn't said anything to the boys yet. I can't even think about if I told my uncle or my brother. They would send me to the hospital before I could utter the words I'm fine.
My uncle and I have been spending more time together as well. I was still asking questions, but he would alway change the topic. It made me want to know the secrets they were all holding from me more. I was so close to figuring it out I could taste it. If only my uncle would give me some kind of answer or at least a hint.
"Yes!", Richard yelled.
We've been watching one of the boy's stupid football games they saved for a while now. Apparently so much has been happening that they haven't been able to catch up with their favorite teams. So here I was sitting on the couch next to a couple of boys that were yelling at the screen. Darla unfortunately was still at school so I was stuck watching with them. Though I was watching the boys reactions more than I was watching the actual game.
"I can't believe this!",Dylan screamed has he marched up the stairs.
All of us had paused what we had been doing to watch Dylan make his way to our room. I had never seen Dylan that upset before. Sure, he had been in a couple of arguments with me and the boys ,but nothing that would cause him to get that angry. Could it be something that had to do with Jessie? Recently they had been fighting more than they usually did.
"Well?", Alex asked.
"Well, what?"
"Go talk to him."
My eyes grew wide,"He'll kill me if I go up there!"
He shrugged,"He's your best friend."
"He's yours too, why don't you go up there!?"
"You're a girl, he won't hit you."
The boys all turned back to the tv knowing I would eventually do it anyway. Dylan was my best friend after all. If anybody was going to go up there to talk to him it was going to me. But, that didn't stop me from being fearful. Dylan was scary when he was mad.
I stood up and slowly walked over to the stairs that lead to our room. I know that walking slowly wouldn't change what I was going to find when I got up there, but I still did it. I had to prepare for what I was going to say to him. I have never been good at the whole comfort thing. When Ari was upset I would usually force her to go to the club and we would drink all her worries away.
I knocked on the door before opening it. It was kind of silly to be knocking on my own room's door, but I didn't want to upset him more. Dylan was pacing the length of our room running his hands through his hair. Why did boys always do that when they were mad? How did that help anything?
He paused and looked at me,"I know."
"You can continue what you're doing just tell me what happened. "
He resumed walking back and forth,"She broke up with me."
"You guys were fighting all the time anyway. "
This is why I didn't comfort people. In order to comfort someone you had to be sympathetic to their situation. I couldn't do that. At least he wasn't crying, when Ari cried it took all I had in me not to run the other way.
"She found someone else. She says she loves him."
I stood up,"That bitch!"
He sat down on our bed,"I knew it wouldn't last, but it doesn't mean it hurts any less."
I ran my hands through his hair hoping it would sooth him,"It's her loss."
That's what I'm supposed to say ,right?
"I knew once she found him it would be the end of us. I really liked her though."
"Enough! From now on I don't want to hear about that bitch!"
I reached into the drawer beside our bed,"I know what will make you feel better."
He looked at what I held in my hand,"Cassy that's ..."
I pushed him down,"Has your best friend it's my duty to make you feel better."
I laughed,"You know you want best friend sex, now you have an excuse."
He pulled me into his lap,"You're right."
"I know.",I grabbed his neck and placed my lips on his.
Dylan couldn't have surprised me more than he just did. I would never have thought he would be that good. What the hell was Jessie thinking leaving him? Shit, he had me not wanting to leave this bed. It was still hard to believe.
Both of us laid on on our back has we catches our breaths. I didn't think having best friend sex would be that pleasurable. Why haven't we done this sooner? He just bumped Oliver down a spot on my top five. Damn, he was good.
"Why haven't we done this sooner?", Dylan asked voicing my thoughts.
"You didn't have any bad break ups before."
He let out a breathy laugh,"I should break up with people more often."
"I'd be okay with that."
He turned in his side,"Thanks Cassy."
My breath caught has he massaged my inner thigh,"What are best friends for?"
His hand moved higher,"I'm kind of wishing we weren't best friends again."
"I–", I checked the time,"Shit,we can't, Brian and Richard are starting dinner."
He sighed ,"Until next time."
Downstairs the boys were still yelling at the tv oblivious of our return. How many football games did they miss? Darla was sitting next to Alex smiling when she saw me. Had we really been up there that long? I looked at the dark sky through the windows, I guess we had.
Dylan and I sat down on one of the couches near Alex and Darla. I watched Dylan focus all his attention on the game. If we hadn't seen him storm in I wouldn't have guessed that he was about to explode from anger just a few hours ago. His body was relaxed and he was joking with the boys like it was nothing. At least I knew how to comfort someone.
When Richard came out of the kitchen and told us dinner was ready all of us quickly scrambled to our feet. I felt hungrier than I usually did and I couldn't wait for what ever they had cooked. I sat down next to Dylan like I always did and looked around the table. Peter hadn't come home yet. What could he possibly be doing to not be home so often?
"Sorry, I'm late.",Peter's deep voice spoke from the door of the dinning room.
How long had it been since I last heard his voice? I know I haven't gave him much room to talk ,but I still missed the sound of it. He did seem genuinely sorry for what he had done. I just never gave him the time of day when he tried to apologize. I would walk away when he spoke my name.
"So, what was that little tantrum about?", Kolby asked before shoving food in his mouth.
"That bitch cheated on him!", I spat.
Dylan chuckled at me,"No, we just broke up."
"I swear if I see that bitch I'll cut her!"
Dylan rubbed my back and placed some of his meat on my plate,"And, I'll be there to hold you back."
"Do you always have to talk like that?", Sandy complained.
"I know where she lives, it wouldn't be hard to sneak in.",Darla offered.
"Darla!",Sandy shouted appalled at what her sister said.
I grinned.
"Hey Daddy!"
"It's nice to see you, Elaine."
I had just introduced my father to Skype. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it sooner. Now I could see him more often and grill him on the details hidden in the file. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed I took them by now. But, I'm sure my uncle has told him that I'm becoming more"curious".
"Daddy, I've been noticing differences. I don't think I'm like Ari and my other friends from back home."
I couldn't compare myself to the boys since we had "similarities".
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm stronger."
He forced a smile,"You're a healthy girl."
"My hearings gotten better too. Sometimes I hear the boys from my room when the door's open."
"They're loud boys."
He was doing what my uncle would do when I hinted that I knew something. What was in those things they used to give me? All the notes they had taken were accurate enough. I was stronger than Ari and I could hear things better now. I had to be part of some experiment or something like that.
"How's mummy?"
"She's right here, do you want to talk to her?"
I nodded, smiling has my mother replaced my father. I haven't seen my mother very much since I moved here. It was mostly my brother or father that called me from time to time. I didn't really get to see her at the funeral either since she was making sure everything went smoothly. Did her and my father get back together?
Fiona Lo sat calmly in front of the camera with a smile on her face. She had the same tan skin and brown eyes that matched mine. I was often told that I looked almost exactly like my mother. Though I don't think I'll ever match her beauty. My mother always had a way about her that everything she did looked graceful.
My father said that they had met from a party his father was hosting for a family friend, my mother's father. My father was also of asian decent but he was mixed with white because my grandfather had met my grandmother from a party similar to the one my parents had met at. Too bad we didn't have any family friend parties. Maybe, I would be tied down by now like my parents and their parents were.
"So, I heard you're not feeling well."
"It's nothing too serious."
"Take care of yourself. I don't want to hear about any trips to the hospital."
"I'm fine mummy. I'm just changing that's all."
She paused,"Changing?"
I laughed,"I know I'm stuck at 5'1, but there are other ways to change."
"Cassy, we're going to Lenny's!"
I smiled,"I guess I have to go. I love you mummy! Tell daddy I love him too. But, if you see Cole tell him to drown himself in his own self pity."
"Elaine, that's no way to talk about your brother."
"Whatever, he's your son.", I exited out and closed my laptop.
Why were we going to my uncle's house? Was he finally going to tell me what the big secret was? It's been weeks since I discovered the files and I still didn't know what it was. I would have gave up by now if it wasn't for my curiosity. Which brings me back to, why were they even keeping something from me?
The warmth of my uncle's home greeted me has we walked in. It was weird how so many people lived with him. I never got to ask him about it since he sent me off to live with the boys. I didn't mind it now because he was right about me having more fun if I lived with them. Again, people bowed their heads to the side when we walked past them. Was it some type of special greeting they did here?
"It's been forever since I've seen you!", my uncle hugged me tightly.
I rolled my eyes,"You saw me last week."
He looked at me with concern,"Your father told me you've been feeling ill."
"Wow, he's fast.", I mumbled.
"You guys haven't been taking care of my niece.",he glared.
I hugged him again,"I'm fine uncle there's no reason to worry."
I heard him sniff,"Do I really smell that bad? The boys took me to the aquarium earlier."
"That–must have been fun."
I laughed,"Yeah, it was almost worth waking up early yesterday for."
"Can we stay here for the night? I've been driving for the last five hours.", Shane pleaded.
"Whatever!", Kolby shouted,"I drove all the way there!"
"Yeah, right!",Richard shouted back," I drove three of those hours!"
I laughed has Kolby rolled his eyes,"It was a twelve hour ride."
My uncle smiled at the boys speaking over each other,"I don't mind you guys staying. There should be enough room for you."
"Great.", Dylan nodded to me,"Let's go get our stuff."
I got up ready to go with him, but my uncle stopped me,"I don't want her doing any heavy lifting from now on.",We all gave him weird looks,"It's not good for her health."
I grabbed Dylan's hand that was still held out for me,"I'm fine."
My uncle looked at Dylan in the eyes,"No heavy lifting Dylan."
Dylan and I walked to the back of Richard's SUV and started to unload all of our bags. Now that I think of it we really should have just packed all of our things together. That way there would only be around six bags instead of ten. Surprisingly I wasn't the one who bought multiple bags, but Alex did. I didn't know how many bags Sandy and Darla brought sense they drove with Shane and Peter.
I really needed to talk to him soon. The only reason we haven't is because of me. If we talked we could possibly go back to being somewhat normal. I wasn't going to be sleeping with him anytime soon,but we could still be friends. Even though sleeping together was a big part of our friendship.
"Here, let me.", Dylan made a grab for the bags I was holding.
"Dyl, I can do it myself!"
I didn't want to be treated like a glass doll more than I already was. Just because I said that I felt a little under the weather didn't mean I was incapable of doing things myself. My uncle was only making it worse. I may be the baby of the family, but I defiantly wasn't one. I didn't need their help carrying a few damn bags!
"Ow! Fuck that hurt!"
Just when I was having an internal rant about not being helpless I embarrassingly fall over myself. Way to prove them wrong. Maybe I was a glass doll after all. That fucker Dylan probably gave me the heaviest bags, too! I'll be getting him back for this by the end of the night for sure!
"Cassandra!",Peter helped me up and glared at Dylan,"You were supposed to be making sure she didn't do any heavy lifting."
Dylan laughed,"She wouldn't let me help her. I'm not going to go against the person I sleep with. I woke up to Alex's boxers on my face one time because I hid my shirt she sleeps in!"
"My shirt.", I corrected,"What's that smell?"
Richard came down the stairs and grabbed our bags,"Alex is cooking dinner."
"You're letting him cook!

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