MTF(3): 5/6

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"Cassandra, wake up.", someone whispered.

I yawned has I stretched my arms,"What do you want?", I looked beside me with a glare on my face,"Shane."


I stood up," Why didn't you say so earlier!?"

He shook his head," I just did."

" Richard's making pancakes, you better hurry before Dylan eats them all."

The smell of pancakes and eggs made me walk fast, pushing Shane out of the way. He just chuckled and pushed me into the counter earning him a scolding from Brian. Which I laughed and immaturely "oo"-ed at him has I snatched Dylan's pancake. I quickly ate it all before he could take it back from me. When Brian came over with some sausage on a plate I swear I fell in love with him.

So, with a pile of food on my plate I continued to eat, stabbing Dylan every time he tried to steal some of my food.

"It's only fair!", he wined," You took my pancake and I take your sausage."

"It makes sense.", Alex shrugged.

"Doesn't mean he's getting any."

"That's reserved for me.", a smirking Peter walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, okay.", I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, Ari texted you to call her."

"Dylan, why do you always have my phone?"

He shrugged," Candra gives it to me.", he smirked," I'll give you your phone if you give me your sausage."

" I'm pretty sure it's you who has the sausage.", Alex laughed.

I was silent for a second, should I? Food or Ari? Ari or food? I want to say no, but I know if Ari knew I ignored her call for food, she'd kill me. I sighed has I handed Dylan my sausage.

He smirked at me at has he took a big bite.

"I'm only giving it to you because Ari would kill me.", I glared.

" Cass, this sausage tastes SO good!"

"Eww, too much information", Shane laughed.

I glared at my phone,reading over Ari's text. Apparently, I had to call her so she can tell me something important. Which probably meant there was some juicy gossip she found out about that she had to tell someone. Unfortunately, that someone was me. I sighed looking at my half eaten sausage before clicking Ari's name.

"It's not that big of a deal. If you want a sausage so bad, I'll give you mine.", Peter chuckled.

I ignored him, listening to the dial tone.

"Ari, what the fuck was so important that you couldn't wait!?"

Ari laughed," Were you in the middle of eating?"

"Hell yeah, you bitch, I was eating!"

"Anyway, so I heard that Lee broke up with Christy. Christy wants to get with Ryan, Lee's best friend. But, Ryan wants to get with you!"

" He wants to get with me?", I spoke through a mouth full of pancake.


"But, isn't that against 'Bro Code'? I did get with his older brother.", I looked to the boys for confirmation.

They all nodded, paying more attention to my side of the conversation now. I forgot how much boys are more gossips than girls are. I swear, if they start asking about who I thought was the better lay, I'll kill them! I already had enough of that with Ari. Why did so much drama happen after I had already left?

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