Double trouble failed

Start from the beginning

Lila: Perfect. *She hang up and she smirked too.* (Happy birthday, Marinette. Unfortunately, it will be your last.)

In Marinette's house, Tom and Sabine heard footsteps and they cover the cake with a big folder.

Marinette: Hey.

Tom: Morning, sweetheart.

Sabine: Morning, honey. *Marinette look suspicious at her parents.*

Marinette: You two are acting weird. What's going on?

Tom: Nothing, why would you say that?

Tom: Nothing, why would you say that?

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Marinette: What's behind the folder?

Sabine: Oh, uh... we got a call for a catering job for...

 we got a call for a catering job for

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Tom: XY. For his second album release party.

Luka: (Hate him so much. Still hold a grudge.)

Marinette: Okay.

Luka: Come on. I promise to take you somewhere.

Marinette: Okay, okay. Let me just...

Luka: No, don't! *He pull her arm back.*

Marinette: Why?

Luka: I'm sure we'll get whatever you're getting outside.

Marinette: Okay? Let's go. *They both walk out, Sabine and Tom sighed for that.*

Tom: That was a close one.

Sabine: She'll be gone for a while, that will give us plenty of time to finish with the cake. *They finish up decorating it.*

Outside, Luka and Marinette were walking.

Marinette: So what's planned for my birthday?

Luka: There's an amusement park we can go to, the movies could be fun, and probably a walk on the beach.

Marinette: Okay.

The one that lost hope (A Lukanette Story)Where stories live. Discover now