XXIV Interview

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Jennie's P.O.V

"By any chance, Jendeuk, do you like Lisa?

Jisoo, out of nowhere asked me if I like Lisa and I don't understand why I suddenly felt nervous in that one simple question coming from my cousin. I don't know how to answer coz I am now confused about my feelings for her. Do I like her? Yes, I did because she's my best friend but the question is, are we really nothing but best friends? 

"Answer me in whole honesty, Jennie. You know you can't hide anything from me. I know you more than you know yourself" she confidently said.

I bit my lower lip unsure if is it right to tell her now about my feelings for Lisa. I looked straight into her eyes and she did the same. She never speaks instead she waited for me to open up. Okay fine, I guess I should tell her now. 

"Y--yes?" I shyly responded. 

She closed her eyes and inhale deeply. I don't know if she's disappointed in me or what coz she actually looks like it now.

"Does she know?" she asked. 

I shook my head and I saw how she sighed deeply and became quiet.

"Are you disappointed in me?" I asked. 

I know I'm the biggest idiot to fall for my best friend whom I don't have any idea if she already moved on from her ex. I know how much she loves Rosie and how devastated she is when they broke up and that incident hurts her badly.

"I am not. I don't know but I somehow sensed it," she replied. I leaned on the countertops while waiting for her to continue. 

I completely understand because I know how much we changed our treatment to each other after the kiss on the beach. We've been very sweet back then, we're inseparable to the point that everyone from the university thinks that we're together. And Jisoo saw how much I cried in the airport after Lisa's departure. I didn't tell Lisa about me crying over her back then but I did so many times even in my room coz I missed her and I longed for her presence. Jisoo witnessed everything but she hasn't said anything about it. 

I looked at Jisoo and she seemed bothered so I asked, "I know there's something in your mind, spill" 

She looked at me and she looks unsure if she's gonna tell me or not. I bob my head as a signal that she can tell me anything and I wouldn't be mad. 

"It's just that, you sounded so unsure" she confessed. 

"Coz I am" I answered. 

"But why?"

"I don't know? A lot of things are running on my mind, Chu"

I looked down and I started fidgeting my fingers when Jisoo walked towards me. She lifted my chin up and made me look at her. 

"Tell me, Jen. You can tell me everything. I won't judge you" then she smiled. 

That simple gesture somewhat eases the burden I am feeling inside me. 

"I'm afraid, Chu. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if this feeling of mine will ruin us if I confess? What if she still in love with her? What if we get hurt? I have a lot of what-ifs Chu and I hate it!"

The tears started to fall down my cheeks and Jisoo is quick enough to wipe those tears away. She pulled me for a hug and I cried on her shoulders. 

"I understand, just let it out," Jisoo said while caressing my back to soothe me.

Not long enough and I calmed down. I pulled out from the hug and looked at her. 

"I'm sorry" I uttered. 

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