IV Sleep Over

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Lisa's P.O.V.

It's Friday night and I am here at Jennie's house spending the weekend with her like we always do. Eversince we became friends, it's been our tradition to have a game and movie night every weekends. I will prepare the snacks while Jennie will either set up the xbox or will choose which movie should we watch.

I went to the kitchen to make some nachos while I leave Jennie who's currently inside her bathroom having a shower. I was startled when I bumped into Jisoo who's carrying a pack of cookies on her hand while holding a paper on the other. I think she's reviewing for her lessons. Jisoo is taking up Business Management at Seoul International School and she's currently at her 2nd year college while me and Jennie is at our 3rd Year high school but the only difference is Jennie's enroled in a home school. Jisoo has become my big sister eversince I started visiting Jennie. She and Uncle Josh treats me like a family.

"Hey! Watch where you going!" she shouted when she almost stumble on the floor.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you" I laughed and she smacked my head.

I groaned because that hurts. I glared at her then my phone vibrated so I took it from my pocket and I cannot help but smile when I saw Rosie's name on it.

"Hi Babe! What's up?" I greeted her happily while pouring out the tortilla chips on the plate and putting some cheese and beef as toppings.

"Nothing I just missed you. Where are you?" she said.

"Awww.. My baby missing me already huh? I'm here at Jennie's. Wanna come?" I asked. I know Jennie wouldn't mind if I invited Rosie here with us.

"Nah. I'm shy"

"Don't be, it's fine really. I'll talk to Jennie" I said.

"You're girlfriend is coming over?" Jisoo asked.

"Yup! but I'll ask Jennie first"

She nods and bring her attention back to the  paper. "I know she wouldn't mind"

"I know. Just want to inform her"

I run fast holding the nachos in one hand all the way to Jennie's room. Luckily, she's done taking a shower and she's already dressed into a pair of pajama. She's sitting on the bed, leaning on the headboard with a pillow on her lap, she's holding her phone and seems like she's talking to someone on chat coz she's smiling like an idiot alone. I tried to peek on her phone but she instantly closed the screen. Is she hiding something?

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I just want to ask if I can invite Rosie here with us? I am now talking to her" I said pointing on the phone I am holding.

"Yeah! no problem!" she answered showing me her gummy smile. I kissed her cheeks coz I am so happy that she agreed.

"Babe, you can come now. I told you it's fine with her" I cheerfully informed Rosie.

I heard how she heave a sigh before she talks, "You're too stubborn but if you insist, okay, I'll be there in an hour"

I got too excited all of a sudden when my baby agreed to spend the night with me and Jennie. I know this will be memorable because this will be the first time I'll be sleeping with her, and our first overnight together.

"Okay, take care I love you!" I said before ending the call.

I'm done talking to Rosie when I notice that Jennie hasn't set up the xbox yet nor picked a movie. I look at her and she's still busy with her phone, again smiling like an idiot. I moved closer to her and once again I tried peeking out to her phone but she hastily stretch her arms away so I couldn't see.

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