Reunited | Chap 20

45 4 3

The end~
Toby's POV

I was sitting in my lovely husband's lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. I played with my fingers and he watched TV.

My thoughts were quiet and organized for once.

What happened just a few hours ago was replaying. I sighed softly. Find her. That was what I wanted to do most.

I'd have to wait until Tim was asleep before I could do anything. Amber and Ian were already asleep.

Tim sighed heavily and then it goes quiet. The TV is turned off.

"Let's go to bed now." he suggested. I nod.

Rather than getting up by myself, Tim picked me up and carried me.

I'm set in bed and he joined after a few minutes. I sat up and he laid down. Though I did appreciate his actions. Being carried was something I enjoyed.

"Come to meee." he reached for me. His arm wraps around my waist.

"Give me a s-second.." I mumble, "h-have to change my b-band-dag-g-ges.."

I could've sworn I heard Tim smile. He made a small huffing noise.

"So responsible," he comments. I say anything in return and head to the bathroom.

I roll my sleeves up and started undoing them. They fall to the ground and I didn't bother picking them up. I grabbed the cotton pads and rubbing alcohol and cleaned the forever healing cuts. Tim told me this would've hurt like a bitch if I felt pain.

Only once have my wounds been infected. I was babied for a month and half for every day.

By the time I'm done, he's asleep. Must've been tired.

I do smile, just a bit. I need to get going.

Grabbing my hoodie and jeans, I get dressed.

Then left the house, being as furtive as possible. It was easy…y'know, since we did train for things like this.

Once I'm out, I sigh quietly and lean against the door. It didn't take long.

Perhaps I could find her in the same place.

There was more than this I had to worry about. Being spotted. Police were everywhere since the "infamous Ticci Toby" is back.

Down the streets, forest border, inside shops. Everywhere you turned.

Fuck the police. They can't touch me this time. I'm prepared.

After every encounter with them that went badly, I was trained. What to do, how to fight back, where to run.

I put my hood up and made sure the bandaid on my face stayed intact.

Casually walking down the street wasn't an issue. Tons of people have tourettes. Verbal tics is what I was talking about. Maybe it would startle them, but I wouldn't be suspicious.

Yeah, because walking outside in the middle of the night, wearing black clothes and having a hood on isn't suspicious?

I resist the urge to snap back, hissing quietly under my breath.

Something touches my finger. Paper.

So I look around, knowing what it is.

When I'm sure it's okay, I unfold the paper, careful not to rip it. Inside is a photo of the woman. Mom.

Mom, I'm coming to see you.

| Time Skip |

She's here!! She's here!

"Hold On To Me" (Sequel) (COMPLETE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin