Jobs..? Jobs! | Chap 11

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Masky's POV

Toby was sitting on the couch, reading a book when I plopped down beside him, groaning and rubbing my face with my hand.

He jumped and looked at me.

"W-what-t happened?"

"I went to talk to Slender and he refused to bring the pay up. So..we need other jobs besides being murderers..he'd get Ben to help up with fake identification." I looked at him tiredly.

"Jobs?" he tilts his head.

"Jobs!" I looked at Toby.

The walk to the mansion seemed longer than usual. That explains my fatigue.

"Hehe..well now you can have odd j-jobs!" he tapped my nose. I fanned Tobys finger away.

"Yeah yeah.."

"I like s-seeing you in a get one where you gotta get dressed in one."

I gave a small smile at him and he blushed. I took time and admired his features. It was something I haven't done in a long time.

"You're as cute as ever. Even if you're more moody now." I chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Toby tilted his head.

He was getting upset.

I shake my head. "Nothing."

Toby laid his head in my lap.

"We'll go to Slenders later. I need a nap at the moment." I yawned.

He nods and curled up. I placed a hand gently on his and we intertwined our fingers.

I let myself doze off.

Raya's POV

I was giggling and playing with Ian. He had a few toy cars that we raced around the floor. We even made a ramp out of books!

I didn't care if Amber didn't like me that much. She did seem jealous of me. Hehe.

Ian would laugh and giggle everytime we got into a little fight over him.

I did too!

| Time Skip |

"Make sure to behave. Okay?"

I whined at Masky.

"Why can they go?!" I pout.

"They have to go to school it involves them." he ruffled my hair. I nod slowly.

Masky hugged and kissed my head.

"Be good now..don't cause any trouble." he smiled.

"Bye daddy!" I waved as he stood up and left. The four left and then close the door.

Five seconds later, two people were talking. I went downstairs quietly and peeked.

I recognized one from the TV. The other..who??

One looked like the kidney stealer guy. The other had weird hair and a weird face.

They spotted me and the weird one picked me up gently.

"Hello there.." he says gently. I look up at him. The yellow hoodie he had was soft as he pet my cheek gently.

I nuzzled into his hand and close my eyes.

I didn't know this person..but..I was told to not cause trouble.

Bite him.

I listened and took his hand carefully.

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