Random Events | Chap 8

143 5 3

Toby's POV

Hands were sliding down my back as I showered, Masky was behind me and helping.

He was humming as I just kept my arms to my sides, leaning against him.

I put my face into his wet chest.

Turns out he remembered everything. Everything..

I couldn't look up at him.

He probably thinks I'm weirder than the person he loved.

"Something on your mind…?" Masky snapped my thoughts out of my head.

I shake my head and relax.

"Oh…alright…" he mumbles.

Hey remember yesterday night how–

"T-sh-shut up!" I squeak.

"I'm not..oh..what happened?" Timmy looks at me, continuously scrubbing the back of my hair.

"N-noth-thing-ng…" I mumble.

"Sure.." he smirked slightly. I go back to resting against him.

We wash off and get out.

I got dressed in the same clothes that were now clean and a little damp. Masky had washed and dried them a little.

I straightened my clothes and Masky got dressed as well. I fixed my wet hair and styled it a little.

"Ah– hold it." he stops me from walking.

I turn around and he points to in front of him. I backwards walk to him.


I held my arms out and he took a roll of bandages out.

A few minutes go by and he finished wrapping my arms and hands.

He kissed my head and we go downstairs.

Well, I did..Masky was setting the sheets.

When I got downstairs, to the kitchen, Ian, Ben and Amber were making food?

"W-what are you doing?" I question.

Ben waved, "Makin' breakfast.."

It smelled great. Soon Masky was downstairs and hugging my waist.

"Smells great. They help you?"

Ben nods. "Amber and Ian are great chefs!"

Ian giggled and Amber smiled, giving a thumbs up. Ian waddled over to me.

I pick him up and kiss his nose. Ian smiled and did grabby hands at Masky.

"Why are they u-up-p s-so earl-ly?"

"I dunno..they were hungry and wanted food so I decided to help."

"Oh…" I said quietly. Masky kissed my head. I felt..was irresponsible the word…?

"Don't make that face, you're not a bad mother.."

"..father.." I mumble.

"Ain't Masky the father?" Ben asks.

"We both a-are.." I look down.

"Says what you call him…"

"I-i don't call h-him a-anyth-thing!!"

Masky's POV

Toby was slowly turning red. He places Ian down and Amber was giggling as she stayed on Ben's back.

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