Goodbye | Chap 17

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Ash's POV

Eric handed me a lovely smelling bouquet of flowers that I couldn't really name. Sigh..

I smelled them every once in a while.

"Ah shoot, can I borrow your phone? I forgot mine." Eric sighs.

"Huh? Why?" I look at him.

"I have to call Oliver, he wants to know when you got the gift!" he smiled.

"Oh! I'll tell him!" I took my phone out.

"If you can that is." I heard a laugh.

"Huh?" My eyebrow raised.

Eric said nothing and crossed his arms. I unlocked my phone. That's when things started to go blurry. The screen seemed way to bright. I started to lose my balance. My throat was itching.

So I coughed. And coughed, and coughed.

The phone is snatched away from my hand.

Masky's POV

I took the phone from Ash's hands and went to the name "Oliver♥" in his contacts.

Ash dropped to his knees and I watched. He coughed up blood onto his wooden floor.

Hello Oliver, sorry.

Sorry what?

I don't want that date anymore.

It hurt me knowing I had to say these to Toby, but I had to.

What? Why?

Because I'd rather be dead than go out with you.

B-but you were so nice to me! What happened? Don't leave me! Is there something that happened?

No, I just don't want to go.

Incoming call: Oliver♥

I dropped the device and let it ring. Ash attempted to reach out for it. The crimson liquid dripped from the side of his mouth as he wheezed and struggled to breathe.

"Oh well." I slipped my mask over my face.

Ash continued to weakly cough until he finally went cold and pale. His body went limp. I smashed his phone with my foot and sighed.

Then there was a knock on the door.

I looked through the peephole to see the familiar yellow hoodie and black and red mask.

I opened the door and kept him in.

"Uhh Tim..?" Brian started.


"What happened to the poor man?" He questions.

"Many things. Now help me get rid of the body, please." I sighed.

Brian shrugged and slipped on his gloves.

"Fine. Will you tell me eventually?" he asks, going to grab Ash's ankles.

"Yeah, but let's hurry up, I don't want Toby alone—" I was cut off by a phone call.

"Take it, I'll drag him." Brian sighed. I answered the call, which was from Toby.

"Hello?" I slid my mask up.

"P-please, come home..I miss you.." he sniffles.

I sighed quietly, "Okay..I'll be there soon."

He hung up and I frowned.

"What?" Brian questioned.

"Toby's crying."

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