"Oh, you're an actress, then."

"Yeah. This series was supposed to be my big break. But I hadn't had any offers since. Then again, it wasn't a great season for auditioning for the last few months."

"Nico said the same thing. But back to my story, they were watching Nori on TV. They were drunk and decided to get high and you know how it goes when you're cross-faded."

"I actually don't. It takes a lot of work to keep my body looking this good. It wouldn't help if I'm high and getting the munchies."

"Really, that's surprising. Most people our age have tried it."

Marie was right. Mikayla was the only one of her friends who hadn't at least tried weed. She had no moral qualms with it, it just wasn't for her.

"Well, I guess I'm not most people. Why don't you just finish what you were saying about Nico and Jackson." Mikayla wasn't usually the one trying to keep conversations on focus, but she had to if she wanted any information. Besides, Marie was worse than her about getting off topic.

"Well, the two of them were drunk and high. And I think Nico started making jokes about how they should kidnap girls. And Jackson started questioning why they shouldn't. As far as I know they were just joking around. But they wrote something up about their ideas. It was just nonsense. But when they both sobered up the next day they realized that they liked the idea. I heard Jackson started reading the thing they wrote and it kind of sunk in."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"What part?"

"All of it. There's no excuse to kidnap anyone. If they were so turned on by the idea then they should have gone on a fetish site and found someone with the same kink." Mikayla was breathing heavily. She was so angry. "You can't just act on some base instinct and ruin someone's life!"

"Look, I understand you're upset, but please don't yell at me. This isn't my fault," said Marie.

Mikayla exhaled. She sunk onto the couch. "I know it isn't your fault. But I'm never going to be happy with this."

"Things change."

"Everyone keeps saying things change," snapped Mikayla, starring down a wide-eyed Marie. "But there's not a goddamn thing that can change my whole moral compass. Maybe you're happy being a prisoner, but I'm not."

Marie suddenly burst into tears and Mikayla felt a tightness in her stomach. This girl was a victim, just like herself, and she was here yelling at her. "I'm so sorry, Marie. I didn't mean to yell at you."

"Look, I really want you to try," said Marie through heavy tears. "You haven't seen what Jackson is capable of. He's a good guy if you just follow his directions. He'll do everything to protect you. But . . . but I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I want to have a friend. And . . . and if you don't start changing things, then Jackson will get rid of you."

"Do you think he'd kill me if I don't give in to him?" asked Mikayla.

"It's very possible. Please. I don't want to lose you."

"Am I Jackson's first victim?" she asked, directly.

Marie's eyes darted around. She shook her head no. "Please. You have to try. I found alcohol helped me in the early days. It got me through everything. We can get through this together if you try."

"Okay, I'll try. I swear." The last thing Mikayla wanted was to die. And now that she knew that someone else had been here and was dead now, well, she'd do anything to keep herself alive and get justice for whoever this now dead girl was.

The door flung open and Marie quickly turned from the door, wiped her eyes, and forced a smile on her face.

"Are you two ready for dinner?" asked Jackson.

Marie turned to look at him. "Yes."

"Nico's waiting for you in the dining room, Marie. I just want to speak with Mikayla. We'll be right behind you."

Marie traipsed out of the room.

"So, how did you two get along?" asked Jackson.

"It was fine. She . . . she told me she wants to be my friend."

Mikayla stood up and silently took Jackson's hand. She looked up at him and a wide smile crossed his face.

"Let's go eat. Maybe I'll crack open a bottle of wine. Do you prefer red or white?"

"White." She'd drink the entire bottle if it would get her through this ordeal. Then tonight she'd be obedient and hopefully when it was all said and done she'd get out of here fairly unscathed.

The Celebrity Copycat - A Heartthrob TaleWhere stories live. Discover now