Chapter 16-Rae

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"Good morning peanut." Mommy said walking into my room and picking me up from my crib "It's time to get ready to go."

"I no wanna go." I said rubbing my eyes as she sat down on the rocking chair and got ready to nurse.

"I know baby." she said unbuttoning her shirt and unhooking her bra "But you are going to have so much fun."

"No Mommy." I said before latching onto her nipple. She was already dressed for work so I played with the buttons on her blouse as I looked at her.

"Max will be there, and lots of other boys and girls, and there will be lots of toys and games for you to play with." she said brushing her thumb across my cheek before she started humming "All done pumpkin?" she asked as I pulled away and started rubbing my eyes.

"Es mommy." I said leaning in for a hug and a kiss.

"Why don't you grab little five so we can change his diaper real quick." she said setting me down as she buttoned up her top and followed me to my crib. After I found little five Mommy changed my diaper and my clothes and then let me change little five before we went into the bathroom to get ready to go. "hands, teeth, and hair!" she said with a smile as we started singing our morning songs.

"I have berry ogurt fo breakfas Mommy?" I asked.

"Sure peanut." she said walking to the fridge "do you want some fruit to eat too."

"Es pease." I said with a smile as Mommy walked to the table and helped me eat.

"You ready to go pumpkin?" Mommy asked grabbing something from the fridge to put in my diaper bag.

"What dat Mommy?" I asked as she handed me my paci and little five.

"Those were some bottles for you baby, to have at daycare." she said picking me up and carrying me outside.

"I no wanna go." I said.

"I know baby." she said strapping me into my seat before getting into the car and turning on the music to play some of my favorite songs. I was so busy singing to the music that I didn't realize the car had stopped until Max knocked on my window.

"Maxxy!" I squealed in excitement as Mommy got out of the car to pick me up.

"You ready to go." Mommy asked April as we walked towards a big building.

"Dis da daycare?" I whispered to Max when we walked into the building and plopped my head on Mommy's shoulder when he just shrugged.

"Hi my name is Becca Randall I signed my little Raelynn up for your program." Mommy said talking to the lady at the desk.

"Of course." she said standing up with a smile. "I'm Sara Lyndon, the receptionist."

"And I'm April Smith with Maxwell." April said with a smile.

"What ages are your littles so we know what rooms to put them in." she asked. "We have an infant room, toddler room, young child's room, and an adolescence room." she said pointing at a chart on the wall.

"They both range from about two to four." Mommy said with a smile "Rae is a little younger than Max but when they are together they hover at 3."

"Well then it looks like we have two new toddlers." she said "Max is right on the edge but I'm sure they will do better together. Now we go by a number system here at the daycare. Each little is assigned to a room and number when you sign them up for the program and you can't pick them up without the number at the end of the day." she said walking us to two comupters outside the toddler room. "Rae is number t22 and Max is number t23. The next step is to come over to these cubbies and find your numbers, in the cubby you should find a card, a few clips, and a stack of stickers. You are going to want to use the clips to hang them on any diaper bags that you may have brought with you, place one of the stickers on your littles back, and take the plastic card with you. They all have the number on them. Don't lose that number." She said as Mommy stuck the sticker on my back. "Eventually we will get pictures of them to put in our system, but we don't like to overwhelm them on day one."

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