chapter 4-Becca

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We watched Max and Rae wait for us at the elevator and I smiled at how adorable they were. Neither of them were showing any signs of headspace but it was clear as day they were littles. They took direction from April and I without second thought, they both thrived off of the comfort and support that April and I loved giving, but a big give away were there mannerisms. The way they bounced on their heals as they waited at the door to go swimming, the way they wiggled in their seats at dinner time when they had to go to the bathroom, the huff when they were asked to do something they didn't want to. I laughed as I watched Max pretend to trip over his own feet and bump into Rae causing them both to fall onto the ground in a fit of giggles. Rae was my little and I was falling in love with her every second she was in my presence, but Max was a welcome surprise. I don't know if it was his love for Rae that made me love his little heart too but that little guy was finding his place in my heart.

"Come on goof balls." April said picking Rae up off the grand and letting her push the button. I smiled as she lightly ran her fingers through Rae's blond hair and I knew my best friend couldn't help but love my little Rae either.

The door opened and they both rushed in almost knocking over an elderly couple who were standing inside. "Guys be careful." I said with a sigh. "I'm sorry." I said turning to the couple who were looking fondly at the kids hiding behind April.

"Oh it's fine." The man said with a smile. "There just excited for the pool. Do you remember when our Brandon was that age?" He said turning to his wife.

"Very much. It was my favorite age." She said looking at him "They look very young though. Have they even regressed yet?" She said looking back at us.

"Not yet." April said smile "We actually just met this afternoon."

"How wonderful!" The man said with a laugh. "Enjoy these early stages while you can! They don't last forever! Goodbye kids" He said waving to Rae and Max as they exited the elevator.

As the elevator opened directly onto the pool floor I grabbed Rae's hand and April grabbed Max's hand before they could run out onto the wet tile ground. "Let's go grab a seat first." I said walking us over to a table and directing Rae to sit in one of the chairs. "Before we get out there" I said pulling my hair up in a pony tail and then walking behind Raelynn to put hers up as well. I kneeled in front a Raelynn and raised my eyebrow "Be honest with me because this is very important. Do you know how to swim sweetheart?"

"We went to pool school in 3rd grade." She said with a slow nod "So I know a little bit, but I never did much swimming after that. Max and I would sometimes go to the creak behind his house but it's not very deep. So, I guess I don't know."

"How about you Max." April said looking him in the eye.

"The same. Mom never took me swimming." He said with a shrug. "We never did much honestly."

April and I shared a look as we folded all the towels and removed shoes. The one thing we never understood was how a person got the nurturer placement but did not have a parental bone in their body. Both of us had been lucky enough to have amazing parents and all four of them were so excited to meet the kids.

"Well then." I said poking Raelynn's nose "I guess were just going to have to figure this out together aren't we."

I grabbed her hand and led her over to the shallow side and walked into the pool. "Come on sweetheart." I said as she hesitated on the first step. "You can touch out here. And I won't let anything happen to you." I said holding her hand. She gripped my hand tightly and continued to step into the water until it was to her chest.

"That's it." She said stopping in her tracks with big eyes.

"Ok." I said dropping down, so my chin was hovering above the water. "We don't have to go any further." I lowered my head and blew bubbles in the water causing her to giggle before I turned around and told her to hop on. We swam around the pool chasing Max and April for a while before I decided to try and teach her to swim.

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