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Hello readers. Thank you for reading this story.

Just so you know, if it's not already obvious,  I'm not a medical person, I don't know much,  so if this is wrong, don't have a go at me. It is fiction after all. Just enjoy it.
Thanks. Xxxx

Louis was frantically pacing in the visitors room in the hospital. Jay was with him after he called her upon arriving there.

"Why won't they tell us anything Mum?" He cried.

She pulled him into a hug, feeling Louis shaking.

"We'll hear soon love." Was all she could reply.

The door opened and a doctor walked in.

"What's happening? Where's Harry?" He asked, wiping tears from his eyes.

They all sat down. "Harry's very sick."

Louis collapsed into a chair, his Mum holding him tight. "What's wrong with him?" Jay asked.

"You said he'd been sick? Well he has ruptured some muscles in his throat, which caused the bleeding. That's not all."

Louis looked at the doctor, his face soaked with tears, his heart was pounding.

"The sickness was due to an ulcer in his stomach. It's quite large. We'll need to operate as soon as possible. We've no idea how this grew, it's very rare in someone so young."

"Will he...will he be ok?" Louis whispered.

"He should be fine. He'll need to stay here for a while though, we may need to keep him under sedation for a while."

"Can we see him?"

"You can see him quickly, but we need to operate soon. I'll take you to him."

They followed the doctor down a long hall. The doctor opened the door and showed them inside.

Louis swayed on his feet as he stood by Harry's bed, taking his hand in his own. "Oh my precious. Please get better soon. We love you so much." He cried, a tear falling on Harry's warm hand.

"I'm sorry  we need to go now." The doctor said.

Louis bent down and kissed Harry's cheeks, Jay did the same, and they left the room.


The next few hours were like torture. There had been no news of how Harry was doing, and it was driving Louis crazy.

At 3:30, Gemma and Niall burst in the door, almost hysterical.

"Dad! Gran! Where's Harry?" Gemma screamed.

Jay stood up and hugged her. "Calm down Gem. He's in surgery." She rubbed her back trying to comfort her.

Jay looked over to see Louis in the same position with Niall.

They sat and waited, not saying much. Looking at watches, pacing,  crying, hugging.

Eventually, at 5pm, the doctor walked in the room.

Louis jumped out of his seat. "How is he? Is he ok? Please tell us he's ok?"

"He's out of surgery. The operation went well. He's in recovery. As I said earlier, he will need to stay here for a while. He's on painkillers and antibiotics. We'll keep checking his throat, it's damaged, but should repair itself, if not, he'll need more surgery. It'll be very sore for a while. You can see him shortly. I'll get someone to take you when he's ready."

They all thanked the doctor, and he left. They all hugged each other in relief.


An hour later, they were shown onto a ward with two other children in.

Harry laid on the bed, risen slightly, tucked under crisp white sheets, his pale arms on top.

He had various wires and tubes coming out of his arms. The heart monitor beside him, beeped.

The family sat down quietly.

Louis took one of Harry's hands, careful to avoid the wires, holding it tight, but not too tight. His thumb brushing over his knuckles.


It was getting late, visiting hours were nearly over.

Louis was panicking. He didn't want to leave Harry alone. He knew that if he woke up, he'd be so scared, he'd cry for his Daddy.

The nurse came and asked them to leave.

"Please...please can I stay?" Louis begged her.

"I'm sorry. You can wait in the relatives room, but not here, I'm afraid. " she replied, sympathetically.

Louis nodded. They all said their goodbyes to Harry and left the room.

"He'll be ok love. Try not to worry too much." Jay said to Louis.

He tried to smile, but he was so tired. He kissed his family as they left. The kids would be staying with Jay while Louis wasn't home.


Louis had tried to make himself comfortable on the tiny sofa. It was impossible. Even though Louis was short, his feet still hung over the edge.

He tossed and turned all night, barely sleeping two hours. His mind kept thinking of his boy, laying alone in a strange bed, in a strange place.

He had just drifted off to sleep when a nurse woke him up.

"I'm sorry to wake you..." she started saying when Louis sat up, and cut her off.

"Harry! Is he ok?" He said.

"He's  waking up. You can see him now, but...he will be very groggy, and uncomfortable. Try not to panic, as it may make him panic too, and that wouldn't be good for him."

Louis nodded, stood up and followed the nurse back to his room.

He sat next to Harry,  as the boy opened his tired, red eyes.

He looked at Louis,  with pain in his eyes.

"'s ok love. You're in hospital.  You're a bit poorly, but you'll get better." Louis said, trying not to breakdown in front of Harry, who looked terrified.

"Da-Da..." he tried to speak, but it hurt too much.

"Don't talk. You have a poorly throat, darling. Just rest it ok?"

Harry nodded slightly, the movement causing him to grimace.

A tear appeared in his eye.

"Oh baby. Don't cry. I'm gonna stay with you all day. Ok?"

Harry blinked at Louis,  as his Daddy wiped his tear away.

Harry closed his eyes, still feeling very tired from all the drugs he was on. He soon fell asleep.

Louis laid his head on the bed, next to Harry's arm, and fell asleep too. Exhaustion finally took over.

God this took about 12 hours to write, kept getting distracted.

How is everyone?

My working hours have gone down drastically. Really worried about money now. But at least theres no virus near.

Our schools are closing on friday. No lockdown tho. It's so scary.
Take care everyone, stay safe. All the love. L.

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