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"It's ok precious, don't cry." Louis tried to confort Harry after he had thrown up over himself.

"Da-daddy!" He cried, as he gagged again.

Harry had been ok since the accident yesterday, but after breakfast this morning, he was sick. Ari had taken the kids to school, so Louis was left to clean up the sobbing three year old.

"Let's get you in the bath, eh? You're all stinky. Does your head hurt baby?" He asked sympathetically.

Harry pouted and touched his cut head.

"Ok love. We'll get you that medicine the doctor gave you as well."

Louis took him upstairs and sat him on the bathroom floor while he filled up the bath. He took out Harry's medicine and sucked it up into a syringe.

He held it at Harry's open mouth and pushed the end, squirting it in his mouth.

Harry pulled a face and frowned.

"I know it tastes bad love, but it will stop your head hurting so much."

Not only did Harry have a cut on the massive bump on his forehead, but his eye was a bit black too. He looked like he'd lost a boxing match.

Harry whined as Louis turned the water off.

"I know ... Let's get these stinky clothes off." He said as he carefully pulled Harry's t shirt over his head.

He undressed Harry and placed him in the bath. Usually Harry loved bath time. He'd splash about, getting Louis soaked, he'd giggle and play with his toys, but he didn't feel like it today.

He sat still as Louis washed his hair and body. He raised his arms up when he was done, a sign that he'd had enough and just wanted a cuddle.

Louis lifted him out of the bath and dried him, before dressing him in fresh clothes.

"You ok now love?" He asked.

Harry looked sad, and held his arms out again.

"Come here little one." Louis picked him up and Harry snuggled into his Daddy's body.

They went downstairs and Louis made him a bottle of lovely warm milk.

Harry was asleep before he had finished the milk.

Louis flicked through the TV channels, trying to find something worth watching, Harry asleep against his chest.

Louis took a close look at Harry's wound. It looked nasty. The poor little boy must've been in so much pain.

Harry cried in his sleep.

Louis rubbed his back, trying to calm him, and he stopped crying.

Louis felt guilty for having to wake Harry up, but it was 1pm and he was hungry.

"What would you like for lunch Harry?" He asked as the yawning boy sat in his high chair.

"Passa." He replied, playing with his teddy.

"Pasta? No problemo." He got out the tub of pasta from a cupboard and put enough for both of them into a saucepan.

"How are you feeling love?" Louis asked as he stroked Harry's cheek.

Harry smiled. That's a good sign. He hummed as he kissed his teddy.

Louis smiled at him, before checking on the pasta.

"How about, after lunch, we go for a walk?" Harry jumped up and down in his chair. He loved going out, especially if he was going somewhere fun, like the park.

They ate their pasta. Harry humming as he ate, his way of showing he was enjoying his food, Louis smiled again.


Louis took Harry to the park.

"Wheeeee....look at you Harry! You're flying!"

Harry giggled as he flew back and forward on the swing. It wasn't high, but to Harry it seemed as high as the stars.

"Hi Daddy hi"

"Yes love, really high!"

Louis stopped the swing and Harry screamed. "NO DADDY. WANT GO HI NOW!"

"No. Love we can go on something else."


"Harry, no. Let's go on the slide now."

Harry screamed as Louis lifted him out of the toddler swing, kicking his legs out and trying to hit Louis.

"Hey, young man. Louis placed harry on the ground and went down to his level.

"You do not kick or hit Daddy, or anyone. Do you hear me? It's very naughty. We're going home now."

That made Harry cry. He was put in his pushchair and taken home. He cried all the way.

By the time they got home, Harry cries were whimpers. His eyes were red and puffy.

Louis took him out and put him on the sofa, sitting next to him.

"You know that was naughty, right?" He said.

Harry looked up, pouting and looking miserable.

He had tears rolling down his cute little cheeks, Louis felt guilty but he had to learn from his actions.

"Sowwy Daddy." He whispered as he moved closer.

"Good boy." He replied as he opened his arms, so Harry could climb into his lap.

Harry was still crying, so Louis made sure that it was ok now, by giving him lots of cuddles.

"You're our precious little love."

Harry sighed and felt much better.

He loved his Daddy so much.

It's Christmas Eve!

Just want to wish you all a happy Christmas.

Thank you for taking the time to read my books.

Lots of love to you all.

See you soon. Xxxx


Precious (Harry Styles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ