The Guilt

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Lauren's POV

If I'm being honest, today was the first day that I didn't wanna leave school at the end of the day. If anything I was dreading going home. I had to go to Camila's house and at lunch Camila invited Lucy to hang out.

Truth be told I kinda fucking hated Camila right now. She was being such a bitch.

I biked home and quickly ran into my big house. Ignoring my dad who was fucking slammed, having several beer bottles all around him. I ran upstairs and changed into a short and flown, pastel yellow dress and put a jean jacket over it. I threw my hair into a low ponytail and ran out of the house undetected.

I biked to Camila's house. She'd sent me a text with her address earlier.

I finally arrived and rang the doorbell about five times before Ally opened up. I looked over Ally's shoulder and Camila was on the couch. Making out with a girl. That wasn't me or Lucy. Ally looked at where I was looking at and sighed.

"Hey Lauren...and I know I'm really disappointed. She hit this phase at the end of sophomore year and I don't know when it's gonna end." She sighed.

I walked in clutching my bag and walked into the kitchen, seeing Dinah standing there, glaring at Camila.

"And here I am thinking you're the whore." She piped up.

"At least I stuck to one guy so you can't call me a fucking whore. Camila has been here for three days and she's already kissed three different girls, got a whole ass blowjob, and cheated with her girlfriend ." I snapped but then realized that I gave Dinah way too much information.

"She told you that?" She asked me quietly. I looked up at Dinah.

"Don't fucking lie to me Jauregui. I'm starting to like you so just be honest." I took a step back.

"Well I was one of those girls." I said in shame.
She nodded.

"I'm not mad. Apparently she's a chick magnet now...I'm just disappointed you fell into her trap." She shook her head and continued to glare. If only she knew that I was disappointed in myself too. Camila looked up and smirked at me. Dinah walked into the living room and I followed close behind.

"You're such a ducking slut. Get your whore out of here I've been seeing you too all over each other for the past thirty minutes and Lauren is waiting. Bitch." Dinah was very clearly frustrated with her friend and frankly I am too. I'm sort of missing the younger and way shorter dorky Camila.

"Geez Dinah. You're such a bitch." She said. The girl stood up and Camila smirked and smacked her ass. I roll my eyes.

"I'll see you later Cami." She says seductively and walks out the door. As the girl leaves there's an expectant Lucy waiting at the door.

Poor Lucy.

"Hey guys! Who was that?" Lucy said excitedly.

"Just a friend." Camila smiled and sneakily shot daggers at Dinah, Ally and Me.

"Oh okay. Well I'll hang out while you two interview each other for the project." Lucy smiled. I quickly grabbed her arm.

"Uh I'm really sorry about everything. At lunch I mean." I say looking into Lucy's eyes. She stared at me for a second before snapping her head away and nodding shyly.

"No offense taken. It's okay really" She smiled at me and gives me a hug and we just stay there together for a bit before Camila clears her throat.

The guilt.

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