Thick and Thin

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"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were...." Camila waved her off as if she was fine.

"No I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." Lauren said quietly. "I'm not exactly in the right place to say that."

"You're not...not anymore at least." Camila scoffed.

"I'm sorry." Lauren said sadly.

"If you're sorry then you wouldn't have done it. You were my best friend and then you left me. Fucking Dinah ended up being here for me more than you ever have. I've known you for as long as I can remember yet you were so focused on being popular that in middle left me and pretended like you don't know me. You understand how much that fucking broke me? I loved you and then in 7th grade I fell IN love with you! I didn't stop thinking about you ever but now I'm with Lucy so it's too fucking late. Stop looking at me like you want me to fuck you just stop." Camila yelled at Lauren and tears rolled down her face even more. Lauren was also sobbing at this and she couldn't say anything. Camila scoffed and tucked her hands back into her pockets and started walking away. Lauren ran up to her and hugged her from behind.

"I- I'm sorry. I'm s-so so sorry. Camila I...I just I d-don't know why I did what I did but you were con-confusing me. I liked boys all elementary school yet I started like- liking my best friend. I was scared! I didn't wanna lose you. Then when y-you asked me out I j-just didn't know what to do and I al-already built...built up a reputation and I didn't wanna l-lose it and with my- my dad being head of the company or what- whatever he wants me to, to have th-that good girl image and if I didn't listen bad...b-bad things would happen and he also s-said that if he found out I was a "fag" he...he would k-kill me. Camila believe me when I say that I'm in love with you a-and ugh I'm sorry I'm so so sorry but I am in love with you even before you had th-this insane glow up because of your smarts and how nerdy and kind and compassionate and athletic and empathic you've always been and I didn't want you to get hurt by anyone at the school so I said no and I didn't tell anyone and-"  Camila quickly leaned down and kissed Lauren, their lips moving perfectly against one another. Lauren stood on her tip toes and hugged Camila's neck pulling her down towards her. Fireworks exploded in there stomachs and butterflies flew all about. A year came from both Camila's and Lauren's eyes because of how happy they were. Camila's tongue dragged against her bottom lip and Lauren opened her mouth for her and Camila's tongue explored her mouth and Lauren bit her lip and slowly pulled away, despite her not wanting to but she knew she needed to finish what she was saying.

"You're driving me insane." Camila sighs and slowly closes her eyes and leans her forehead on Lauren's. Lauren cupped her face.

"Camila, I promise I'll change. No one at this school cares for me-"

"Except me." Camila said cutely.

"Except you." Lauren smiled.

"But apart from that all of my so called "friends" don't care and they're gonna leave as soon as I hit a rough patch. You though...well actually I'm not gonna assume."

"I'll be with you through thick and thin." Camila laced their fingers together.

"Thank you so much for forgiving me."

"Look Lauren, I'm not exactly sure I have forgiven you yet but I'll try okay." Camila said.
Lauren nodded, happy that Camila was being honest with her. The two girls kissed again for about ten seconds then pulled apart and the two girls smiled contently.

"Where do we go from here?" Lauren asked.

"Honestly, I need to seriously establish trust with you again. Let's get to know each other...again and I wanna be friends with you again I really do so let's just take it slow and try." Camila smiled hoping she didn't hurt the girl's feelings.

"Okay...but um...that doesn't mean that we can't do uh...non friend things and more things." Lauren said innocently and cutely and Camila chuckled.

"Uh maybe. I don't know about that." Camila felt her pants tighten at the thought of herself slowly fucking Lauren and making her orgasm and cum all over her thick, big, long and hard cock. 'Ugh no!' Camila thought to herself. 'Don't think like that! What if she sees it! She doesn't know yet...yet, stupid!' 

She stared at Lauren and Lauren stared back as a blush slowly took over the other girls face.

"Yes..." Camila whispered and felt her cock get painfully harder. Lauren smiled devilishly but then a problem popped into her head.

"Wait." Lauren said and backed up a bit.

"What?" Camila asked curiously and worriedly that she had just screwed everything up.

"What's gonna happen with you and Lucy?"


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