Chapter 15: Thank you

Comenzar desde el principio

I found this peculiar.

Why was she so cautious of tea?

"What's inside of this?"

"Tea," I said before taking a sip in mine.

"...Can you take a sip of this first?"

I decided not to question it and took the flask back and took a sip. She seemed satisfied and took the flask back.

"So how has your week been?"

Kuro turned away from me and pulled the mask off and let it hang on one ear before taking a large sip of the tea. It was warm tea because I guessed she would appreciate the warmer kind as the seasons was getting colder. Kuro slipped the mask back and turned to me.

"It was ok, you?" Kuro shifted her legs forward.

"Interesting, you've certainly been getting on a particular Eraserhead's nerves," I chuckled.

"That was the plan," I could almost hear the smirk on her face begin to form.

"I saw he still thinks I'm a guy, is it my voice when I talk low?" Kuro looked at the sky and deepened her voice as she talked.

"I believe so," I took a small sip of my flask in thought.

One of the reasons that Kuro fascinated me was that she was very hard to read. I knew she was a bit cheeky and sarcastic. She had an amazing fighting style that must have been practiced for years. She also possessed an excellent talent for stealth that would make even Aizawa jealous. She was also academically smart and cautious.

I also knew that she was very sensitive to touch. And that she was very suspicious of others.

Kuro took a huge risk in asking to meet me last week and I could tell she was cautious of me.

She cared about others enough to throw her life away to get caught just to save people.

Other than that I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I could somewhat tell what she was feeling, like I could tell when she was scared or nervous or happy but her other emotions were somewhat limited to me.

I looked her and was meet with the young teen leaning back against the brick with her eyes closed. Her shoulders were still tense but she seemed at least a little more relaxed.

Kuro had eye bags under her eyes and she was fidgeting with the left hand again.

I still had a question that I had meant to ask but forgot about last week.

"Kuro?" She opened her eyes and looked at me. The grey eyes were almost empty but filled with hidden emotion, "Do your parents know that you're doing this? And if not, what do you think they'd do if they knew?"

Kuro looked at me in the eyes, her face didn't give away anything but her breathing hitched slightly when I mentioned.

"I'm sure that my mom knows. I think that she's mad at me for all this. My old man doesn't know, and if he did then I think he'd be either angry or satisfied," She muttered apathetically.

This confused me. What she said could mean many possible things.

And how would her father be satisfied?

I guessed I'd have to go over it with the rest of my notes when I got back home.

Sora's POV

He asked me one of the most startling questions that I could ever think of.

I had forced myself to calm down before I broke so I don't think I gave too much away. The answer I gave him wouldn't lead to anything anyway.

Legally I'm dead so even if I told them my mom was dead and my dad was in prison, they wouldn't be able to find out my name.

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