Chapter 89: One For The Road

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Shawn's POV

"Do you really think he's going to do what I think he's going to do?" Taylor asked as we dropped Cameron off.

"I think it's a bad idea Tay." I said softy.

"If he does, he's going to do it at the wedding." Taylor scoffed.

"Yeah I kind of figured."

"I shouldn't have told him about Nash." Taylor stated while keeping his eyes focused on the road.

I felt bad. I've been where Cameron is. And he helped me realize what I want. I kind of owed him. Even though I did think it was a bad idea.

"Look, after we had that really big fight, I was distraught and ended up sitting on a roof for a few hours. It was Nash and Cameron that came to me and gave me the strength to keep trying. And didn't Cameron do the same for you? I think we owe it to him to try and help him salvage his relationship with Nash. He gets that look in his eyes when he's with him. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before." I trailed off.

Taylor let out a sigh.

"I just don't want him or Nash to get hurt again. I just want everyone to be happy ." Taylor said softly.

"And that's what he's trying to do. Even though I think it's a bad idea, we have to be supportive. Who knows, maybe it will actually work out you know."

"I guess you're right." Taylor pouted.

I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"So we're getting married tomorrow." Taylor said with a sly smile. He was obviously trying to change the subject, I didn't mind though.

I giggled. "I guess we are."

"It's kind of funny if you think about it. I never thought in a million years this would happen. I never thought I'd get you back. I am so glad I did though. You and me Shawn. It'll always be you and me."

My heart fluttered.

"Stop being a cheeseball!" I protested.

Taylor looked down and smiled, only to refocus his eyes back on the road.

"Sorry... I just feel the need to constantly tell you how much I love you, incase you forget."

"I'll never forget Tay."

Taylor smiled.

"Now, we have some wedding business to attend to!" Taylor said cheerfully.

"Yeah, we have to meet up with the planner and just finalize everything. But first, we need to stop at home quickly. I forgot the guest list." I said quickly.

I had been very forgetful lately. I guess I'm just nervous for tomorrow.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. I forget things too. We'll swing by home real quick okay." Taylor said with a smile.

"You're amazing you know that." I stated while smiling.

"Look who's being the cheesball now." Taylor smirked.

"I will be as cheesy as I want!" I protested.

Taylor just shook his head and smiled.

I sighed and turned up the radio. I laid back on my seat and relaxed. I put my hand on Taylor's leg and he smiled. It was a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride home.


As we arrived home there was an unfamiliar car in our drive way.

"Who's here?" I asked. Taylor shrugged .

"I guess we'll find out then."

We parked behind the car and got out.

There was a tall blonde guy leaning against the car. His blonde hair was up in a quiff and he was really good looking. He wore a fancy suit and tie that looked like it costed a fortune. His eyes shone in the light.

"Can I help you?" Taylor asked the guy as we approached him.

"You must be Taylor, and you must be Shawn. I wanted to congratulate you on your engagement." He said while flashing a smile.

"Thanks... And who are you?" I said.

"The name's Clayton. I'm Cameron's boyfriend. I was originally supposed to come with him but my job prevented it. I pulled some strings and here I am, I wanted to surprise him."

Taylor and I exchanged worried looks.

"Prove it. I'm not going to let someone I don't know in my house." Taylor stated.

Clayton sighed and pulled out his phone, showing us many photo's of himself and Cameron. Hugging, kissing, posing for selfies ect.

"Okay then." Taylor said worriedly.

"Um Cam is at the mall. You can come in so long and stay in his room. We're going to pick him up later. But we have some wedding stuff to attend too." I said softly.

Taylor shot me a look but it was unreadable.

"You're very kind. Cameron was right. You two are the nicest out of the bunch." Clayton stated.

I wondered what he meant by that.

Taylor nodded. "Okay well, I'll show you in." Taylor said while walking up to the front door. He then looked at me. "Don't forget the list babe."

I nodded and followed them.

This is not good. This is not good at all. I feel generally worried for Cameron's sake. Cameron is screwed. And not by Nash.

I quickly went and grabbed the list that was laying on our dining room table.

I heard Taylor's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Come on babe, we're going to be late." He said as he grabbed his keys.

I nodded and we exited the house and quickly jumped into the car.

"Cameron is fucking screwed you know that?" Taylor said as he started the car.

"Tell me about it. I have no idea what he's going to do now."

"Well, Clayton seems like a nice guy. I kind of feel bad for him." Taylor stated.

"Me too. I really hope Cameron can work something out."

"What do you mean 'work something out'? It's not like he can date both of them you know."

"Yeah I know it's just... I don't know okay." I admitted.

"Look, don't stress. This is his problem. All you have to focus on is the fact that we will be married tomorrow okay." Taylor said while squeezing my hand.

"Yeah... I know. I'm sorry Tay." I said softly.

"Don't be okay."

"I love you Taylor." I said softly.

"I love you too."


QOTD: First concert?

-mine was Coldplay and it was magical.

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