Chapter 38: Petty

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Cameron's POV


"Babe." Nash said while sitting down on the couch. We had just returned from Shawn's Record Label Party.

We had gotten Taylor to go and talk to him. I know I said we weren't going to interfere but I thought closure was needed. Proper closure.

"I have to go home tomorrow." Nash said. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. The apartment was dark.

"I keep missing calls from Hayes and I feel like a horrible brother. I think I should go home for a bit." He said softly. I nodded even though he probably couldn't see.

"It's okay Nash. I understand. But text me okay." I said. He laughed. "I'm not that far, I'll literally be a few blocks down." He said. "Still not the same as having you next to me every night." I said. Nash gave me a sympathetic sigh and brought me in for a hug. "I'll be back before you know it. Permanently." He said.

"Would your parents be alright with you moving in... I mean after..."

"I wouldn't tell them." He said simply. He couldn't be serious.

"What?" I asked. "I can't Cam." He said slowly. I wanted to protest but I understood. As much as I wanted him to, I knew it was a touchy subject for Nash.

But then I started thinking about my future, about our future.

"Do you ever want to come out? You know to the fans?" I asked. I know that maybe now isn't the best time to talk about it but I needed to know. Personally, I wanted to come out to them eventually.

"No." Nash said.

I looked at him in shock. "No?" I asked. Nash cannot possibly expect me to keep this a secret for the rest of my life.

"I don't want to ever come out Cameron." He said, not looking me in my direction. I could briefly see his face that was lightly illuminated by a sliver of moonlight.

"That makes no sense! You'll have to come out eventually. They'll figure it out Nash. If you never have a girlfriend, never get married, never have kids. If we're always together!" I said, my voice raising.

"I don't want to talk about this." Nash said. He still hasn't looked at me, at least I think so.

I took a deep breath. There's something I've been wanting to ask Nash. I just never built up the courage. I guess now's the time.

"I want to tell my mom. She's coming to visit me in a few days along with my sister. I want to tell them. And I want you to be there with me when I do it. " I said. I really wanted my mother to know. She deserved to know. And my sister was my sister. I loved her to death. And more than anything I wanted Nash to be there for me when I did tell them. I wanted his support. I wouldn't be able to do it alone.

"Tell them yourself." Nash said while getting up and walking away.

Looks like asshole Nash is back. I sighed.

I stood up and spun him around. "What's your problem Nash? I just want your support here!" I shouted.

"Unlike my parents, you're fucking mom will be supportive and you're goddamned lucky your dad is dead so you won't get fucking beat up-"

"Get out Nash." I said firmly. I hoped Nash realized what he had just said. He knew my dad died a few years ago. And he knew how badly it affected me. I cannot believe he brought him up. I never thought Nash would go that low.

"I said, get out." I repeated.


"NOW!" I screamed.

I head him shuffle and run out the door. And just like that, he was gone, again.

I wondered how long it would be this time. If he'd ignore me again. I wouldn't put up with it, not again.

I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

Suddenly, my phone rung. I quickly answered it. "Cameron." the voice said. It was Taylor. He sounded like he was in panic. "Yeah?" I asked while wiping the tears from my face.

"Shawn is missing."

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