God Never Will

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What do you say to a person who has no hope?

Whether their situation is hopeless

or if it just seems that way?


Torn is the heart that beats in mournful rhythm

At memories long since past

And at faces long since faded

The scars of the heart beat at their own rhythm

At their own time


The jagged knife that cuts the fragile pieces of the soul

Have cut too deep to bare

These of whom this misfortune has victimized

Want to give up


What sorrow it brings us 

To watch those who cry

Those who we see that have been tortured

By the words of others


But let's not forget

Even those who speak such blasphemous words

Have been the ones tortured too

At another time, in an another place


It bugles the mind

To think of the seemingly endless cycle of pain


The evil of others has cut too deep to bare

And we lash out

Fighting against nothing now

Screaming out into the darkness

As we see no future

Seeing only the past spread out

and open to public eyes

Now the future is certain

In our eyes alone it is certain

And clearly marked

By the pain of our infliction


There are others who are hopeless

These people have their own bodies

Gutting them alive

Twisting and contorting

Burning inside and out

With full intention to snuff out the soul

It carries inside

Or so it seems at least


In reality

The body is fighting a battle it doesn't know how to win

It only knows what it has experienced in the past

And sometimes that's not good enough

It takes risks to compensate

And these gamble end up 

Doing more harm then good at times


But this is not always the case

Sometimes the enemy of the body

Is just too great to fight alone

And the body starts to fall apart with no idea

How to deal with the problem


Now the people who go through this

Knowing that they will die

And there is nothing in the world they can do about it

I can't relate to them

I can't imagine their pain

And I certainly have no right to dictate what they do with that pain either

What I say from now on is my opinion

Only take it seriously with a grain of salt

Because I have no background in such pain

But too me

What I have to say

Is the truth that needs to be spoken

No matter the cost of pride

Or the risk of looking like a hypocrite


My answer to hopelessness is this

God is bigger then all pain

Do not put your faith in the situation you are in

Put your faith in God and His word

Focusing on asking "Why is this happening"

Is not worth it!

When we look at our situation and say it is hopeless

Their no point to that!

Do not succumb to the pain!

Their is no chance of life where hopelessness takes you!

Their is no freedom!

What is happening to you is part of a much bigger plan

God has chosen YOU to walk this path

Because YOU can be greater then this pain with HIS help

He can be your hope

Believe in Him and you will see joy else where then your situation

Maybe it is the kindness of your nurses and doctors

Or that family member that always makes you smile

Put your hope in God

So that you can appreciate the gifts He has given you in this life

Your situation is not more powerful 

Then the support and love God has given us

Unless we allow it to be

No illness, injury, or scornful tongue

Can take away the love we have been given by God

Unless we allow it to


So look around you

Do not see tubes and wires stretching from your arms

Do not see your empty room through you tear stricken eyes

See the God that has given you the gift of Joy 

In spite of the fact that there has been pain

Feel the comfort of knowing

That He cares for you

Do not feel hopeless

Because He will never stop

Having hope for you to obtain


Please do not give up on yourself

Because God never will


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