An Inquiry of the Stricken Heart

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We have an inquiry

A question beyond understanding

A problematic occurrence only questioned

By us.

By which I mean we know the answer

But do not want to know your response

Who is to say what I need to ask of them?

Who needs us to ask

Is trying to make an understanding

Of nothing?


Asking question after question

"Why do you not trust?"

"Why do you not care?"

"Don't you think she knows it by now?"

Have you gone so mad as to wonder

The unspeakable question

Of which you have tried to enforce us

To ask?

To leave our hearts on death row

To be shredded

To be crushed

And to become an unrecognizable stain

Of tears

It is hard not knowing

It is hard not thinking impossible dreams

It is hard not to hold her perfect hand

It is hard to care

When you feel you don't have the courage

To do so

Why are we responsible of your plight?

Maybe I'm happy where I am

Maybe I need to be who I am

Right here and now

I am important here

I can help here

Why must I throw it all away

Because of something that is suppose to

Happen by chance anyway?

I will not try to control my destiny

Not here at least

Or maybe it's that I shouldn't mess with

This part of my fate

God needs to handle this one for me

I'm not ready to choose yet

I have been struck by lightning

But I will not act on these feelings

I will not lose her

If I do

I will lose the part of who I want to be

Who I need to be

She makes me better

Because I strive to be better for her

I can not ask her if she loves me

Because I know the answer

And I'm not going to lose her

Not yet.


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