To Bring Him Home

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As he strode out into the brisk night air

A shiver ran down Jimmy's spine

It wasn't because it was cold though


This quiver was from something else entirely

After looking over his shoulder for a last glimpse of light

He took off down the driveway

Dragging a tinted gray bag behind him

He knew that if he made it to the trash can and back

This whole situation would be behind him

And he could sleep easy until tomorrow morning

With each stride the bag became even more unbearably heavy

He kept thinking to himself that this was just what he needed to turn everything back to normal


Deep down he knew that this wasn't going to bring his father back

Why would he come back? 

He left them

Gary was just a replacement

A phony

A liar

And a disposable waste of space that kept Jimmy's mom busy

While Jimmy cried quietly in the corner of his room

Well this was going to make a statement that she couldn't ignore any longer

Just as his arms were about to give out from the weight of the bag

Jimmy found that a new source of strength had overcome him

 A dark strength that came from the underside of his otherwise perfect heart

It filled him with determination and blinded him with pure rage that lit up the night for him

He became aware of every shadow and all things that went bump in the night

Even with his new found delusion in full effect

By the time Jimmy reached the rust covered garbage can 

His arms were screaming out in agony

Ignoring their demands

Jimmy lifted the lid to the can and thrust the bag inside

 It landed with a loud thud on the metal bottom

Then Jimmy stuck his head into the can and muttered

"I told you I'd take out the trash Gary..."

Pleased with himself

Jimmy spun himself around and started the long trek home

All the while dreaming about the surprise the garbage men would get in the morning

The thought almost made him smile. 


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