Eyes That Can Pierce Eternity

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Your eyes are unique

Breed for war they hunt

Passion ever flickering

From corner to corner

Like a purpose is set before them

As if only a single moment

Would be needed

To make your prey

Your prize.

With wide and stolen glances

I stare at micro lengths

In awe of you

Behind your eyes

A fire is burning

A hope driven to the core

Of your very being

Your consistently, ever conscious effort

To maintain the blaze

Is forged by the love

Of something much greater

Then myself

But still from time to time

You peer my way

Your gaze burns away my flesh

And thus opens a way to a heart

I had no knowledge of having

Your eyes cremating every solemn memory

And reduces the past

Of cries and broken confessions

To ashes

It is because of this

That a phoenix has risen

And with it is a vision

Of us

Staring eye to eye with one another


- Quinn

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