Home Life

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I have a lot going for me in my life

I live in a house where I don't pay rent

I have two of my own personal drivers

Dinner is always prepared for me

I do chores of course, but that's not all bad

And by not all bad I mean the chores I have to do are part bad and part smelly

Specifically my parents make me clean the cat's litter box.

Honestly though, I don't know why me family makes me clean the litter.

The cat uses it way more than I do

My cat Maggie is probably the most sweet and tiny creature you've ever seen.

But the things she leaves behind in the litter box...

Man let's just say they aren't too cute

It's basically a crime scene

Bodily fluids on the walls

Substances of indeterminate nature covering the floor

Tell tale hair follicles stuck in said substances

And one disgruntled examiner

Just trying not to make matters worse but throwing up and adding to the chaos that lays before him

She probably weighs like what 6 pounds right?

How in the name of all that's holy

Can a six pound cat, every week make a litter box three times as big as herself

An environment that requires a hazmat suit and a determined attitude to clean up?

My goodness where in the world does she keep all that?

Also, I'd just like to point out that I do not get any respect for completing this endeavor.

I'm on my hands and knees

Scrubbing this cat's dried crap

When I realize she's been watching me this entire time

She's just sitting there just watching and waiting

Then when I'm done

Fresh litter glistening in the fluorescent light

My cat goes into the litter box

And I scream


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