From Her, To Her

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Me:You still awake?
Her: Yes. Somehow. What's up?

Me: IdkI'm having a philosophical moment/attack
I figured texting you would help snap me out of it.
Her:What's wrong?

Me: I lay falsely on my sheets

On a false island in a false world of which I have created
The old world is blank and rotting in my mind
Draining from the corridors of my spirit
My love has left me
Red is the color of my shame
Green is my solitude
Hope is but a daft sense of longing
In a infertile state of reality and concept
There is beauty somewhere unforeseen in my eyes
They look upon the concept of entirety and quiver
I am the expanse that needs no bridge to gap, no fear is needed to cross onto my plane of existence
I am simply here in this moment
Calling out for my love and spirit to return to me
Hope is my longing
Sweet being of my soul
It is what remains of me after death from witch the wretched one left me to become
I looked upon the ghost of my friend and come close to tears
Every look, every gesture in their direction makes me want to fall deeper into the void of my solitude
The lonely one dies and another is born
I don't know what I am
Only what I hope to
Me:SorryI had a writing compulsion. I just feel a bit lonely is all. I'm not really sure why.
Me:I actually feel a lot better now after writing it out.

Her: Don't apologize

Her:It's okay to be real, you know. And to make you feel better, I will respond to your writing compulsion with one of my own.

Her: I saw you from a far, you strange and lonely star.
You cry, you cry, even though you shine so bright. My friend, are you afraid of the night?
Be still, be still.
For there is a Moon. A Sun. A God. He knows you, and has good will.
You aren't alone in this strange galaxy. For we all have darkness around
and are troubled by those big, thick clouds.
Be of courage, be of might. Star, star put up a fight. For you do not know that light which is in you
is sobright.
You can overcome. You can conquer.
Oh how the darkness would think you a bother :)
Lonely star, do not forget. There are people looking up to you.
You need not be ashamed, you need not fret.
Lonely star, you aren't alone. Not now, not ever.
Me:The are no words to describe or measure my gratitude to hear that

Me:And furthermore I express
To you my brilliant delight
To remain constant and true
Unbroken and persistent
Kind and courageous
And remember on the coldest and foggiest of days
Stay true, be my guide into that night and my hope in the deepest of shadows
And finally, and without fear, let me be yours
My vow untouched will always be there
Present, constant forever
For you, my lonely star, I will be your warmth
Her: I don't really know what to say to that...thanks it's really late so let's go to bed okay?
Me:Yeah I'm tired and loopy again night night

-Quinn and friend

To my friend-

Since we first met you've always been there for me,

But thank you for being there that specific night.

You saved me from beating myself up and I will always appreciate you for doing that.

Merci beaucoup mon amie.

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