Chapter 1: I Can't Stand You Sherlock

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Hello! Thanks for taking time and reading this story. I am going to try to post songs on every chapter because I think songs add so much to the story. I am always open for suggestions and music recommendations. Lastly keep your eyes out for the bold <>. When you see that, that is when I intended for the song to be listened to.



I looked into the cloudless sky from my little window and thought, "Why am I here? I should be outside." 

"Hey, get out, it's lunch," a guard said to me as he opened my cell door.

I sighed and slowly walked out of my room to get whatever gross lunch they had waiting for me.

My name was at one point Maire Brennan. I was born out of wedlock in Dublin Ireland to a mother that never wanted me and a non-existent father, hints to the name Maire, which is a prettier way to say bitter in Gaelic. She left me just like my father did when I was 13, alone and scared but she didn't leave me with nothing. She taught me a little basic street crimes to get pocket money but I eventually learned the art of white collar crimes when little pick pocket tricks where too small for me.

I moved into doing bigger things like ripping off the billionaires of London. I figured if they didn't blink in spending over $200,000 on a car, then they could share some of that wealth with me. I was good at it too but then something happened, I got a little too cocky and I took a little bank job from an outside source and someone got killed in the process. I was framed by who, I don't know but I have years to find out as I waste away in this cell that I lived in now.

Someone by the name of Sherlock Holmes caught me after that bank job. Little did I know, he was looking into my little crimes for quite some time before that happened and that death gave him the last fragment of proof to lock me in here for years. 'Just like any criminal, they all have to go down at one point', those words that he told me when he caught me were burnt into my mind. They were the first thing I thought about and the last thing I thought about in the night. I didn't want him to catch me because I didn't do what he accused me of. But because of that I was here in this prison. Before he caught me, I was planning on living on the streets until I got tired and then move to some little island where I could reinvent myself but that dream will never happen now.  I just couldn't believe he was the one to do it. I couldn't stand him.

I have been locked up here for about 8 months but it felt like 8 years had gone by. I missed everything from the outside world, even the rain and clouds.  Out there I had the world as my play ground but here, I'm stuck doing nothing important. It was eating me alive in here. All I wanted to do was leave this place and I was desperate to do so.

That is enough back story, now about me, currently. Now I am known by many names, but the one I call mine is Rori Anderson. I am a white collar criminal or so the law says I am and I'm stuck here for years for something I didn't do.

I got a tray for food and moved slowly through the prison line. "What's today cook?" I asked the lunch lady as I forced a smile at her. Maybe if I charmed her I could get an extra piece of bread.


"Hot dog, beans and a roll," she said with a straight face and dumped a spoon full of brown mush that did not look like beans onto my plate.

"Thanks," I mumbled and shuffled to the lone table that I had sat at for the last 8 months. I had no friends here, I didn't want any either. They were all criminals and unlike me, deserved what they got.

"Hey red head," a blondish brute of a girl that went by Jemma said to me as she walked up to my lone table. By now all the prisoners knew to keep their distance from me, all but one. For weeks I have noticed her getting closer to me. I knew she was planning on attacking me at some point soon.

I had my eye on her ever since I got here. she ruled this place for years and I was challenging that. Its about time she came up to me, this I would have some fun with. "Hey blondie," I said without even looking up at her.

"That roll looks pretty good on your plate," she said as if she didn't hear my reply to her.

"It is," I said and took a bite of it just to play with her. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you want a bite?" I said and smirked at her as I took another bite of the tasteless roll. I knew she didn't really want this, but she just wanted to prove that she could get what ever she wanted and I wasn't going to play that game. she picked the wrong person to bully.

"That is the last time you talk back to me," she threatened.

"You really think that?" I asked her as another smirk came to my face. This lady had even the prison guards under her finger, but I was different. I couldn't stand the way she bullied everyone here. Today was the day that she got what she deserved and I wasn't going to back down to her. I was going to prove that anyone could stand up to her, even a small little redhead from Ireland.

"Everyone knows not to talk back to me. I rule this place," she said and gave a little chuckle expecting me to cower in fear, only that wasn't my kind of personality.

"But you don't rule me and it scares you," I said as I stood up and looked up at her. She had to be a least a foot taller then I was.  "You're afraid that a rebellion will hit because of me. I am the only one that stands up to you and you hate it. it's a scary place to be when you can't control everything isn't Jemma? That's how you got here to begin with, isn't it? An OCD drug lord doesn't give a right environment for a young child does it either?  That's how you got caught, your child gave you away because you couldn't control her like you do your puppets and you just snapped. Tell me, does it cause you pleasure when you force people to do your will and control every little thing? Of course it does, why am I even asking that question.  You already know it and it looks to be that we have an audience now, lovely." I paused and looked a small group of women that had come around us to watch the show. I smiled, this was just want I wanted.

"Why you little..." Jemma said as her face turned nearly as red as my hair.

"Little what? What are you going to do Jemma, because when I look at you all I see is empty threats," I asked her , knowing full well that I was provoking her. Her body language tensed up. Her hands clenched in to fists as she looked at the clock on the other side of the wall for a brief second before looking back at me. I knew she was going to hit me but I didn't quiet understand why she hasn't already.

"Break it up girls, c'mon," a guard said and got in between me and Jemma. Ah and that's why, she doesn't have everyone under her thumb. The newbie, and by the way he stood and how he wore a union flag pin on his uniform I knew that he would be hard to change to the dark side. He looked like a retired army officer by the way he held hiself,  legs slightly parted, head held high, and shoulders back. But why was he working here as a minimal wage security guard? He could have more than this job if he wanted to. 

"Oh I wasn't going to hurt her," Jemma said and smiled as if we were best friends.

"Sure," I mumbled under my breath as I looked back at Jemma.

"You, Anderson, you have a meeting to attend," the guard said to me and started to walk out of the lunch room and I followed behind him without asking any questions even though a few were in my mind. I was somewhat mad that he disrupted me and Jemma from our little fight but I was curious to see who wanted to talk to me. For the past eight months I had been in here, alone with no friends and no meetings. Who would want to talk to me now?

When I got into the little room I was amazed to see Inspector Lestrade sitting patiently, waiting for me to sit down on the other end of the metal silver table. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at him. Now why was he here?

"Hiya Inspector," I said politely.

"Ello miss Anderson," Lestrade said to me with a straight face as he fiddled with his fingers. I knew that instant he needed me, for what I didn't know but his body language just was yelling at me. was he going to let me out early? No, it wasn't that. it was something else. He looked at the ground and then at me. He looked uncomfortable. He just wanted to cut to the chase.

I took a seat down from across the table from him and said, "What can I do you for?"

He made a face at me like 'how did you know I wanted something' and then said, "We need you."

I couldn't fight back the smile that came to my face. I loved it when I was right.

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