61:| Engagement

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"You guys up for playing pool?" Tom questioned Seb, Lizzy, and me who were hanging out . We were killing some time on set.

Lizzy and I glanced at each other "Okay!"

"Girls on Boys or what?" Tom asked

Seb and I pointed to one another as spoke in unison. He said "Her team" just as I said "His team"

"Ok we are on the winning team then" Tom said against his fake parents, going in for a high five with Lizzy as we crowded around the table.

Seb grabbed two sticks handing me the shorter one. Tom put the balls in the triangular stick. "Who is going first?"

I stayed quiet knowing I am not that good at this game even though I hated to admit that. Now if we were playing air hockey I'd kick everyone's ass!!! It was something to do with friends.

Seb decided he would "I'll go!" going over to the end of the table ready to smack the white ball into the rest of them.

Preparing himself into position, Seb hit it as we all watched it fly across the table scattering the other balls, knocking a solid purple ball into the hole meaning Seb and I were solid and Lizzy and Tom were strips. It was still his turn, so he looked around the table eyeing a red one to aim at. Unluckily, it hit the sharp edge moving it to the middle of the table away from a hole.

Lizzy looked at Tom as he questioned "Want me to go?"

She nodded "Yes please" He got into position gliding the stick in between two fingers to send the white ball getting in one red stripped ball. Having it still be his turn, he went for an orange one getting that one in as well. I was cursing under my breath wanting Tom's turn to end, so that he could stop getting all the balls in the hole. The God's answered me seeing him fail on his third try making it my turn.

I got into position to hit the white ball watching it spring forward to the brown ball having it rebound and spin diagonally across to the eight ball flying towards a hole. "No no no!" I yelled not wanting to see it end up in the hole making us lose so early in the game. I released a breath when it stopped inches away from the hole as I put a hand over my heart in relief.

Lizzy laughed at me as it was her turn now "You suck" I stuck my tongue out at her as my reply watching her take a shot at stripped ball causing it to smack into a solid flying it down a hole give Seb and myself a point.

Seb told Lizzy happily "thanks"

Lizzy glared at him before turning to Tom "oopps"

"It's alright!" He patted her on the back

She came over to my side "I suck"

I pointed out "We both suck" She couldn't argue with that statement.

As Seb went he lined the white ball with a solid ball nearly halfway across the table.

Lizzy felt as if there was no way he could possibly do such a thing and get a point "Oh please like you'll get that"

Ignoring her comment, Sebastian smacked the ball sinking it into the hole, rebounding the white ball and hitting another to forcefully fly across the table getting another one in.

"Fucking show off" Tom muttered. Seb just laughed while I thanked god he was good at this game giving us a chance to win.

Tom took his turn getting just one in.

During my turn, I got had to position the stick diagonally away from a stripped ball sending a solid one into a hole for the first time. I got so excited that I finally got one in. I squealed like a little girl jumping up and down. I was proud of myself.

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