35:| Sick

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I hate being sick in general however I also hate being sick on my days off. I was so sick that I couldn't even get to my apartment. I was in my trailer. The night before I had woken up in a cold sweat, my head being foggy with a pounding headache, I was coughing, and my throat was throbbing. Luckily there was a doctor on set who informed me that I had a virus.

Oh joy! I felt awful

Here I was wobbling towards the toilet to throw up violently, something I hate doing. Kneeling and staring down the bowl of a toilet was not my idea of a good time. I barely had any energy at all to even move.

I didn't even hear the door to my trailer open, my head was pounding so bad as if a group of people were banging drums and symbol in my head "Keels?" a voice was close by. I could tell it was Sebastian.

All I could do was whimper quietly. I continued to vomit my lungs out.

The door to my bathroom was open as Sebastian appeared to find me hovering over a toilet.

His heart dropped, coming over to kneel and hold my hair back that was falling over my face "Oh sweetheart, I heard you are sick" he was worried about me.

"I feel terrible" I managed to say hoarsely while letting out another load.

He felt my head, frowning "you are burning up."

"But I am so cold. I want to go back to bed"
I tried to get up but Sebastian stopped me "I got you" he picked me up; he could feel the shivers running through me, bring me to the bed to place the warm covers over my trembling body "Have you had anything to eat or drink?"

I shook my head "no, I am thirsty though"

"I'll get you water" he walked out while I watched him go over to my frig and come back, opening the cap for me "Here"

I lifted my top half up as he tilted the bottle at an angle so that I to get some liquid into me. He then placed it on the bedside table.

"Don't you have a scene to film?" I questioned the fact that he was instead here with me

Sebastian sighed "Yeah I have to go soon, but I rather stay here with you" he was checking up on me since he heard that I wasn't feeling well.

"You probably shouldn't even be around me." He will probably catch what I have "I don't want you to get sick"

"I rather me sick than you"

I smiled weakly at such a thing, waving him off "Go be Bucky Barnes for now."

He smiled down at me "Alright but when I am done I'm coming back here to take care of you"

"You don't have to"

"I want to"

"If you're going to be my doctor you have to dress the part"

Sebastian chuckled at my comment "Ok Keels" I was pale yet his heart did flips at the sight of me laying before him. I still looked like the most beautiful girl in the world to him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead "Get some rest I will see you later" When filming was going to be over today, he was going to ask the doctor what I could eat and he would get it

Once he was gone, I did end up getting a little nap in which was needed after not getting much sleep the night before. It helped me feel only slightly better, but I couldn't do much. I spent my time flipping through the channels on my tv to entertain myself.

I wasn't sure how long Sebastian was gone for, maybe a few hours but he did what he said he was going to do. He came back to find me cuddled up with one of my stuffed owls like a child watching Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
He came over to me to take a seat "Hey, my beautiful girl" placing something on the side table

"Hey" I turned happy to see him. He was out of his Bucky clothes. "How was filming?"

Removing his jacket, Sebastian exhaled noisily "It went fine, got a lot done but I have been worried about you"

It was cute for him to worry "You didn't need to worry"

"Yes, I did you are sick" He replied "Are you hungry?"

When am I not "Yes I am"

"Oh good!" Sebastian was glad to hear that since he brought something for me to eat "I got you chicken noodle soup"

I sat up with my stomach growling from not eating all day "Thank you"

"It will help you feel better" placing it into my lap to enjoy

"Can you cuddle with me?" I questioned missing his body being close to mine

"Of course" Sebastian smiled, getting onto the bed to join me.

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