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was in the mood to relax my muscles, so I kicked off my yoga pants and shoes heading straight for the second floor bathroom.
It took me at least ten minutes maximum to run a bath which included me plugging the drain so that no water could escape, turning on the warm water, and deciding on a bath bomb going for the vanilla cupcake scent bomb, dropping it in.

I hovered over the edge of the tub dipping my entire hand into the water to make sure it didn't get too hot as it slowly began to fill with the bubbles spreading out everywhere. After all that was done, I turned off the faucet and got to my feet to put the ipod on shuffle, but on low and dimmed the light.

Feeling content, I grabbed a hold on the hem of Seb's shirt I was wearing to ready to get naked and get in, but something stopped me.

My phone that was laying against the sink in case I got a call or text from anyone. I couldn't keep it near the tub because I knew with my luck I would drop it in the water which would result in getting a new phone.

Picking it up, Seb was calling me; a person I could never ignore, placing it at my right ear "Hey, Seb" I greeted happily to hear from him.

"Hey Babe," Seb spoke through the other end of the line "Tell me you are home"

That little statement got my hopes up. I would love to have Seb come by "Yeah, you're going to come over?"

"I'd like to. I am close by!"

"Okay, the door is open"

Hanging up with my boyfriend, I wasn't going to get into the bath just yet. I was going patiently wait to see if Seb wanted to take a bath when he gets here.

I was right though, he was close by as it didn't take long to hear the front door open and his footsteps to pounce up the slightly creaky steps and towards the bedroom where he figured I would be


I heard him call out

Leaving the bathroom, I walked down the hall and directly to my room, leaning against the door frame


Sebastian spun 180 degrees and sighed in relief once their pair of eyes made contact. "So good to see you" heading for me so that his hands could be placed on my hip bones.
My hands went for Seb's neck, pulling him in close just to be hit with the scent of beer on his lips when their lips brushed against one another "Were you drinking?"

"I was at Mackie's having a beer or two before swinging by here"

By the frown Seb made and the sound of his voice, something was not right; he knew his Seb "What's wrong?"

"Just a little stressed, but now I feel so much better"

"Oh yeah, how?"

"Because you, beautiful are wrapped up in my arms" Seb started to grin

That frown I had on my face started to curl the right side up as Seb continued talking, his eyes shifting down to my body "and is the reason you are in only a shirt is because when I said I was coming over you got ready for me to have my way with you?" He was teasing with me

"No," I giggled through my words, of course Seb would think that "I was about to take a bath, do you care to join me?"

"With bubbles?" Seb sounded pretty joyful about it.

That was already taken care of "I'll take that as a yes"


"Yay" Now the bath was going to be even more relaxing with company.

With the bath already set up, our naked bodies broke the barrier of the water when we got in; Seb first followed by me.

I laid back comfortably my back against Sebastian's chest and to the side. My head pressed against Seb's shoulder.

Seb's back was against the tub with one arm laying across the edge of it and the other draped around me.

"This is nice" Sebastian sighed happily, so relaxed with the warm water and having his girl wrapped up in his arm "I could totally take a nap like this"

"Mmhmm" I mumbled in agreement "and guess what?"


"I've been thinking about something"

"Blowing me?" Seb asked in amusement along with a chuckle that vibrated through his chest into my back

"Sebastian " I giggled, rolling his eyes "no, I was thinking about what you said the other day"

"Taking you to Romania" Seb asked


"And have you come to a desicion?"

"I do want to go yeah" He saw where I came from it's time to see where he came from.

"Yes" He was so happy to hear that because he would be so happy to take her there. "I say we plan the trip and go after New Years"

"We could do that"

With the two of us developing proony skin from the bath, we dried off and were back in my room still naked and spooning under the warm covers watching The Walking Dead with my eyes glued go to the screen, so focused on what's going on in the episode. Seb was watching it too, but wanted his fingers to be doing something considering we are naked and that there was a steamy make out scene happing on TV.

Seb moved his hand from his own waist and found his way to my chest to grab a hold of my boob.

From the contact, my body jerked in surprise.
Seb could tell I was smiling when he kissed my temple. It didn't mean I stopped paying attention to the episode so, Seb was going to try and see if he could pull my attention away from it and pay more attention to him for now.
Having his fingers give off a feather like touch traveling down my entire body slowly, going for my inner thigh for a little massage.

"Seb" I whispered in a low moan against his ear causing Seb to turn his head, looking at me with a cute smile "Trying to distract me?"

"Possibly," Seb teasily giggled, moving his hand up slightly hovering over the lips "is it working?"

My eye lids closed for a moment wanting him to touch me already "Oh yes!" lifting my hands up to pull him down to kiss me with his fingers finally entering me.

Sure we done this plenty times already but this time it went further; in the words of Khloe or Cap we did fondue.

"I love you" I told Seb, as I laid on his chest, cuddled up to him trying to get my breathing back to normal; both of us coming down from our high.

"I love you, too" He breathed out

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now