Vincent: Adam, you're doing nice things to make up for what you did. Some may not accept it but that's fine.

Adam: (puts bandaid on Vincent's cheek) I know but I wish they did accept it.

Vincent: Yeah but we can't force them.

Adam(in a soft tone): Hey, Vin?

Vincent: Yeah. (Staring into his eyes)

Adam: Why do you like me?

Vincent(cheeks red and flustered): W-what!

Adam: Why are still around me, why don't you hate me? I've hurt you, how could you forgive me so easily.

Vincent: Well Adam, I got to know you. I do admit the first time you hit me with the stick I was terrified of you, but then I know why you had to. You were really kind to me, and you're my first ever friend.

Adam: I am?

Vincent: (nods) That's why I came here. I came out in school and everyone avoids me and hates me. I couldn't take it anymore so I came here hoping this place can actually fix me, my family doesn't even know I'm here.

Adam: Vin, this place doesn't work, you're fine the way you are. If people don't accept you for that then they're not worthy of being your friend. Besides, I like you the way you are.

Vincent; Thank you Adam, that really means alot to me. (He smiled) I'm really glad were friends.

Adam smiled at Vincent's nixe words, he continued putting the bandages on him, when he finished Vincent spoke up kind of shyly.

Vincent: Um Adam? (he says shyly and looks away)

Adam: What is Vin? (somewhat concerned)

Vincent: I-I uhm-

Vincent couldn't think of words so he panicked and grabbed Adams face to pull him into a kiss, and they both melted into a somewhat long lasting kiss. The kiss lasted for a few more seconds before Adam pulled away really quickly in a blushing mess .

Vincent: Oh no no no, Adam I'm so sorry I didn't mean too.

Adam: W-what was that? Did that really just happened? (he says almost panicking)

Vincent: Adam I'm so- (gets cut off)

Adam: I-I need to go. (he walked out of the room)

Vincent: (Just fell onto the floor and started to cry.)

*present time*

(Adam talking to George)

Adam: So that's what happened.

George: Wow.

Adam: I really wasn't expecting that.

George: How do you feel?

Adam: I-I don't know.

George: Are you mad at Vin?

Adam: No, I'm not.

George: How did you feel around him?

Adam: I get like a weird feeling in my gut sometimes, everytime he smiles.

George: And did you... like the kiss?

Adam: (stays silent at first) I- I did. I didn't pushed him away immediately. But why though?

George: Well, that just means you like Vincent.

Adam: (tilts his head in confusion) But, I don't feel anything towards other guys.

George: Even so, you can still develop feelings towards someone despite gender. It's called being Pansexual. Either way it's fine if you like Vincent.

Adam:I know, and I don't want to deny it. It just feels right, he's like so nice and... cute.

George: Awww my big brothers in love. (he teased)

Adam: Shut up loser (punched his shoulder playfully)

George: Oh yeah, so me and Clay thought of something. We kind of have a plan to escape this place.

Adam: Wait really?!

George: So, we're going to steal the bus.

Adam: But how? Don't you need keys or something?

George: That's where you come in. Mr.Wilson is practically thirsty for you, so you can snoop in his office and try stealing the keys.

Adam: That's actually a simple idea. We need to do it around this time when the supervisors are sleeping.

George: Mhm, we also hope that everyone here is willing to escape. They're bringing new kids in here every other day. So it's going to be hard to convince them. We also wont be able to get into the tomb, it's a combination lock, that also means we wont be able to get everyone.

Adam: We need to do this plan carefully, if we get caught who knows what'll happen.

George: It can also go really badly, none of use know how to properly drive a bus.

Adam: I do only have my permit, but buses and cars aren't really the same.

George: We have to do this carefully, we can't afford any mistakes.

Adam: So we need plan a B.

George: You have any ideas?

Adam: I do, but you're not going to like it.

George: Say it when we get everyone together.

Adam: (nods) I'm going to head back my unit to check on Vin, and talk to him about what happened.

George: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then.

Adam: And, thanks for talking about it with me.

(adam head to his unit)

Adam: Vin? You okay.

Vincent: (Laying in his bunk silent.)

Adam: Vin, I know you're awake. You snore loud when you sleep. Can we talk?

Vincent: (rolls over to look at him) I'm sorry I did that.

Adam: Don't be. (sits next to Vincent) I actually like the kiss.

Vincent: What! (sits up quickly)

Adam: (puts hand on Vincent cheek) I've realized what the weird feelings I get around you are. (he pulled him into a kiss) I really like you Vin


Hope you enjoyed REEEE

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