Thirty Five

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The doctor had barely reached the door when I spoke again.

"Speak of this to no-one. We will know if you tell anyone. The same goes for the boy with you. Though I am now bound to a child, I would suggest you heed my words." Somehow my actual voice had slipped through her lips. "I do not take kindly to having my choice taken from me."

I suddenly heard a deep growling from behind me, and looked to see my wolf form manifested in a great red beast with her black as coal eyes directed right at the doctor. The doctor seemed frightened beyond his mind as he ran from us. My wolf's manifestation shrank into a puppy sized fluff ball that crawled into my lap.

I rubbed her ear, feeling the sensation occurring on my ear.


My eyes snapped to my mother and I smiled sweetly. "Yes momma?"

Rietta looked to Frederick who had a wide grin spreading on his face.

"Our little Celeste is blessed with powerful beasts." He grabbed me and held me to his broad chest. "Pappa will train you. You will show these boys how a Morningstar should fight in no time!"


Seven years passed quickly. My father had trained me almost every day after my morning classes with a noble maid who taught me how to be the perfect little lady. My eighteenth birthday was coming up soon, and unfortunately at the age of eighteen my parents no longer had any footing against the law in keeping me hidden. Until now they were convinced that my manifested wolf and strange powers were because of my 'familiar'. The doctor had been wise in keeping his mouth shut after that first night, but because my parents had the same wish that I have, keeping me in the Morningstar Manor for as long as possible, we only ever called on the doctor and his apprentice who was now around twenty years of age.

As per our weekly setup the doctor and apprentice came in just as I finished my breakfast, and as per law my face was hidden from them behind a veil that revealed nothing. Unmarried young maidens were prohibited from revealing their faces as it invited attention and was considered a black smear on their family names. An unveiled, unmarried woman invited attention like a prostitute. At least, that was the belief.

I watched as the terrified doctor quickly came closer, not saying a word as he eyed the small pup at my side. He knew very well that the pup was no pup at all.

The young apprentice kept his eyes down, never looking at me as he was afraid I would attack him as I had almost done to his master. However, being able to freely manifested my shifted eyes, I could clearly see there was no fright coming from always perplexed me that he would be unaffected, and yet I didn't really mind it.

I held my arm for the doctor to measure my pulse again. Even though this body has never shown weakness after I inhabited it, my parents insisted that I needed a check up every week.

The doctor moved onto checking my pressure points as well and asking me to manifest my powers to see how stable my body was whilst using my 'strange' power.

I watched his apprentice the entire time, only seeing interest glimmering in his eyes every time I showed my powers.

I had long ago gone through his mind, much to the surprise of Celeste who was by now but a mere whisper in my mind. He was secretly relaying messages to a young Lord in the Capital, an yet this young Lord never replied.

"You seem to still be completely stable, my Lady." He paused before nervously looking at the red wolf.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"You will be of age soon. Your parents can by law no longer..."

"Do not worry. When spring comes I will travel to the capital with my cousins."

The King's Gamma (Previously The King's Beta)Where stories live. Discover now