Three - (Con)tempt

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"So, you are a Gamma?"

I looked up to see one of the Princes staring right at me, a gleam of interest in his eyes.

"I guess I am."

"She has the mouth to match the title. The question is, does she have the capability and fighting skills to match?" His brother spoke up.

As he spoke he reached out towards my food. I watched as he drew closer, his hand almost touching my food when my tail snapped out towards him, slamming down on the table right in front of his hand. He stalled completely, his eyes wide.

"Have I not made it clear enough that I will not be sharing my food?"

I took another bite, waving my tail warningly in front of him.

"How are you able to bring your tail out?" One of my cousins asked.

I held up both hands, shifting them as I had done to show the King. "My father taught me how to do a partial shift. I am quite skilled, if I do say so myself. I can take partial form from either my wolf or dragon shape in under 0.0001 seconds."

They seemed to contemplate among themselves. The King himself seemed to suddenly realise something.

"Why don't we continue this in my office once you are done eating? I am sure one of your cousins will wait with you."

"I'll do it." The one who had asked whether I am a Gamma said.

When they were all gone he sat down opposite me and I got a good look at him. Like his father he had grey eyes, but for a Gamma he was rather thin and gaunt looking. His length was quite above average. And strangely, I felt quite uneasy around him.

He smiled, the smile seeming forced. "My name is Gerald. And you are Macey, correct?"

I gave him a warning smile of my own. "I don't like you. Your aura is too malicious."

He seemed somewhat surprised but hid it well beneath a truly amused smile. "Seems I won't fool my little cousin. Let's get this out of the way then... Why would a hybrid with dragon blood be interested in the mere title of Gamma?"

"I was getting bored at home. Then the King showed up with an offer. It seemed more fun than working two jobs to help keep my stomach full."

I grabbed another piece, realising that I had made it almost completely through the large meal.

"Then let's make a deal. You help me become Gamma, and I will make sure you have enough food for the rest of your life."

"Dragons are immortal, even the hybrids. I'll still be alive when your great grandchildren are already six feet under. Besides that, I would never allow this title fall into the hands of a malicious bastard that jumps at any and every opportunity like a diseased and cowardly pup." I gave him a look when the smell of hatred and spite filled the air. "Now I understand. You are one of the illegitimate children. They usually are full of spite. Listen well, Gerald, I will only say this once. You are my rival. You are the rival of your brothers. Should something happen to any of the other competitors for the Gamma title, then I will personally take your head."

I smiled sweetly after taking the last bite. I held my arm out to him, tilting my head to the side.

"Shall we go, dear cousin?"

He stood slowly, taking my arm with a hate filled look.

"I will not mention this conversation to the King. Or your father." I gave him a meek smile this time. "But you need to let go of your hatred. It is consuming you already, Gerald."

I couldn't help but feel concerned. The dragon in me was stand-offish and cold, hating his attitude. But the wolf in me felt genuine concern for a family member that she had gained today. The sensation of a familial bond took place within me. Barely out of the kitchen, I stopped and looked at his lanky form. Deep beneath the dark, spiteful aura, sadness bloomed.

"How about we start training together first thing in the morning? I can teach you some things my dad taught me."

He seemed surprised at my offer, before suspicion made the air foul around us.

"You don't have to come, but I will be starting at six thirty on the training fields. Come, they must be getting irritated by now."

I pulled at his arm, giving him a slight nod. As we walked I paid attention to everything around me for the first time. Cream coloured walls and coffee coloured rugs surrounded me. On the walls were various paintings of landscapes, castles and people. Strangely the silence between Gerald and I was quite relaxing, as if there had not been any tension between us minutes before. His eyes, staying pinned to the front, seemed to be deep in thought.

We climbed a wide set of stairs up to the fourth floor, passing many servants who immediately bowed at the sight of us. It seemed to irk me, not being used to being treated differently to any other person around me. I sighed softly as yet another man bowed, the two women behind him immediately following suit.

"You dislike it that much?" Gerald laughed, the sound somewhat forced through his lips.

"I honestly detest it. The amount of strength one has and one's lineage should not define who and what you are."

His smirk was knowing. "So says the Gamma born with dragon's blood."

"As if that..."

I stilled completely, a scent catching my attention. It was masculine, the smell of rain and wet earth. It attracted me utterly and completely. Though the scent was strong, it was at least two weeks old. There was only one answer when asked why the smell attracted me so utterly. My mate had been here, but he seemed to be away now. I sniffed the air discreetly, zeroing in on the direction it was seeping from. I looked to a door about ten steps away.

'Beta N Connor.'

I pulled a brow at the sign before continuing on, realising that it had not taken me nearly as long as I had thought. Gerald had barely stopped when I started walking further.

"Is something the matter?" He asked, true curiosity in his voice.

"No, nothing to concern yourself with."

We continued down the hall up to a door that boldly stated Alpha King on the door. He knocked and opened on answer, allowing me to pass first. With walls lined from carpet to ceiling with book cases and oak furniture throughout the room, the room looked rather cozy for an office.

I was greeted with the sight of the King, his sons, my uncle and the rest of my cousins.

"Now that you are here, let's get down to business. Sit down, Macey."

The King's Gamma (Previously The King's Beta)Where stories live. Discover now