Fifty Six

561 17 4

I had been in the tent for a while, being prepared for the sporting events that were to take place soon.

These events were mainly for the men but their wives were allowed to partake as well. Dressed in a more casual dress I looked down, sighing at the clothes. I didn't like these frilly things. I looked over to the maidservant who had dressed me, then to the waiting guard Ses. And an idea took form.

"Do you have an extra set of clothes like that?" Moon translated for me.

Ses who'd gotten used to my strange requests immediately produced a set of clothes one of his much younger subordinates, not even thinking twice over the request. He turned away from me and watched the door of the tent diligently. 

I got the clothes on quickly, making sure to put it on correctly before I strode past Ses and Moon, quickly tying my hair high on my head, making sure all the strands were out of my face. I stepped out of the ten, surprised again by the expanse that the field around me held. Lifting my head I took a deep breath of the air around us for a brief moment before picking a direction and walking towards it. I was rarely wrong in pinpointing his location.

Sure enough, Korain and Jacus were leaning over the side of a ring where others were sparring diligently. Beside them were several other men but no women. The women were gathering like a flock of bewildered geese under the large pagoda at some distance away from the men, tittering softly behind decorated fans, likely comparing themselves to each other. Korain seemed to be the topic of gossip no matter where I set foot. The women admired his broad shoulders and golden skin while the men were somewhat picking on him.

"Which house did you pick that little thing up from. She must have cost at least one gold bar." The snide remark came from a pink haired man who was smirking beside Asmodeus, the purple haired asshole from earlier. Beside them were two others with lighter purple hair and light blue hair as well. Though they did not seem as actively hateful, something about them irked me still.

Korain seemed ready to murder them while Jacus was both trying to hold Korain back while reprimanding the pink haired demon.

"River, being a god's chosen does not give you the right to speak of a Queen that way." Jacus reprimanded. "Or any other woman for that matter."

"Heh, look at Jacus coming to his rescue again. What, are you too afraid to speak up for yourself?" River, the pink haired man asked with a sneer.

"Perhaps he'll hide behind his new 'wife's dress." Asmodeus spoke, sneering equally as much.

I frowned, looking the men up and down, folding my arms while I leaned against the flag pole near me.

"After all, how could any woman fall for that mug? Just look at how his previous little wife ran into my arms. And the one before her. So he decided to buy one this time right before we gathered."

"You will not speak of Ppalgan in that way!" Korain growled out.

"Ppalgan? As in, red?"

The group of men started laughing. "How do you hope to convince anyone when you didn't even pick a different name for her? Is she from that brothel close to your palace?"

"River." a man with maroon hair approached them. "Before you continue, you might want to look over there." The man pointed to where I was standing and six head shot in my direction. 

River immediately blushed like a child caught doing something unspeakable. Asmodeus on the other hand had a secretive smile plastered onto his mug when he suddenly approached me, his dark eyes capturing my own.

"What interesting clothes you're wearing, miss." he said as he bent down slightly. A strange smell started coming from him.  It was a mix of Saffron, ginkgo biloba and red ginseng. A shame for him that I was immune to all medicine and plants, including those used in aphrodisiacs'. "Would you like to join me in enjoying some tea and... possibly a stroll?" he practically started purring. 

The King's Gamma (Previously The King's Beta)Where stories live. Discover now