Twenty Four

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We had been called back and we were now faced with them staring at Deimios' still healing face.

"Did anything of interest happen?" Gem asked with a smirk.

"He took a bite out of my food." I said with nonchalance.

"So you hit him in the face?" Gaelik asked with furrowed brows.

"I tried to crack his skull open on Yorick's table. Unfortunately his skull seems quite intact."

"Unfortunately...?" One of the dragon males asked as he glanced at Deimios' face.

"There is one thing about Marcenia many have come to learn the hard way. You never touch her food." Gem chuckled. "Because somehow her blood mixed just right her motabolism is as fast as a wolf's while her appetite is as large as a dragon's."

"And they find it hilarious to starve me."

"If we don't starve you we would run out of food. You eat every damn half an hour if you're allowed to eat."

Prometheus looked at me contemplatively for a moment before seeming to make up his mind. "How much do you know of the other races? They've told me mediate between the races in your time."

"I grew up in a city where many of the races lived in a mixed community. I learned of every law in most of the races, I know every layout of their lands in my time and this time. Besides that, I am able to read the minds of any around me at will as well as see their auras. It's difficult for others to hide things from me when I place myself in their minds."

"How often do you...?"

"I don't do it until I see need to. So no, I have not entered any of your minds. Whether you would realise what was happening, I do not know. But, you would feel it. It's either a prickling sensation, or it would feel as though your mind is slipping from you. It could even be a featherlight touch. More often than not, however, if the mind is strong enough, the resistance from your side would make it feel as though I was stabbing you with thousands of swords in your head."

"Would you like to come with us? We may have some issues that you could help us with. That is, if it's all right with you, Gaelik?" He said as he looked towards black beard.

"If she wants you can take her for five hundred years. She might grow stronger when surrounded by more of her mother's kind. She grew up away from dragons because of her parents."

"Will you be opening the gates for us?"

"Tell Marcenia where you wish to go. She has become adept at bending the space between our realms."

Prometheus glanced at me once more, seeming to gain interest in me. "Do you know of Zaldwig Hall? I suppose we would need to go there first in order to announce your arrival before the others take your presence as a threat."

I nodded walking forward as a ripple in the air appeared right in front of me, swallowing me whole. I stood a full five minutes waiting for them to come out whilst several guards surrounded me.

"Who are you?" Asked one of the many guards, their helmets hiding their faces.

"My name is Macey, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Where did you come from?"

"Hell." I smiled at them, seeing them waver as they watched me.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to kill all of you." My smile grew wider as I watched them.

They seemed to take a threatening step forward, spears ready to pierce into my flesh.

The King's Gamma (Previously The King's Beta)Where stories live. Discover now