23. i love you, you know part two

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I was so confused, he seriously wasn't asking me to sleep in his bed was he?because I just might have a heart attack and die if that was the case. My face was burning just at the thought of it.

"What?" I managed to sputter out.

"Get in." He said again, waving his hand toward the bed "We both know you need a good rest and we both know you're having nightmares, so you're sleeping with me. Don't argue with me on this one YN, Cause' I ain't taking no for an answer."

I couldn't even get a word out. This was everything I've ever dreamed of but I didn't know it would happen like this.

I - uh" I stammered as I stood up, staring at him all flustered.

"Oh come, on" He said grabbing my wrist, this time pulling me towards the bed "Don't be a child."

Still not gaining full control of my mouth, I silently got into the bed, pulling the smooth, cool sheets over me, while Dean made his way to the other side.

The thick mattress sank as Dean settled in - a simile to my heart at the present moment.

"Would you quit that?" He said, looking at me with a weird expression "You look like a deer in headlights right now, all freaky."

God dammit YN, get it TOGETHER

"My bad" Is all I could manage to get out before he reached over and shut the lamp off, leaving us in total darkness - the familiar creaks and groans of the bunker filling the silence of the dark room.

"Goodnight weirdy mcweirderson. Don't be getting any ideas while I'm sleeping." said Dean's muffled voice from against the pillow. I could hear the playfulness in his tone and could only imagine the smirk he had on his face full well knowing how he probably made me blush like a moron. Jerk.

A thousand thoughts filled my head.

"How could I sleep like this?" was the main one. I knew Dean was doing this to help me sleep and keep me from having nightmares butdamn, at least when I had nightmares I was sleeping.

There was no way I was about to sleep with Dean Winchester, the man I've loved the past 3 years less than a foot away from me. Like is this a dream? Ha, probably a nightmare knowing my luck. Some Jinn is probably using my head as a straw right now.

I laid there in the dark staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours, every sound the bunker made as it too relaxed in the night ten times louder than usual.

Dean had already fallen asleep awhile ago. I could tell by his light breathing coupled with some soft snores. How adorable.

He was laying on his back, right arm spread over his head with his left hugging his chest. The dim light sneaking underneath the bedroom door illuminating his perfect lips and soft expression. So peaceful looking for once. No signs of anger or worry. Just calm. Just tranquil. It was nice to see him like this.

It made me happy.

He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I fell asleep shortly after, the details of Dean's face lingering on the inside of my heavy eyelids.


Soon I found myself stuck in another nightmare.

Dean had been taken hostage by a group of Demons, a knife pressed to his throat. Each one of his limbs held down by one of those black eyed sons of bitches. There were so many. There was no way he was getting out of this on his own.

BOOK ONE | dean winchester imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now