6.beauty and the beast part two

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STORY CREATED BY soaringeag1e

As the man moved around the back of the car to get to the drivers side, you looked out at your dad with sympathy in your eyes. You knew he wouldn't be happy that you did that for him, but you didn't care.

You couldn't lose both your parents.

After a moment, probably making sure the man was out of sight, you saw your dad reach for your keys. You sighed softly, feeling even better for what you did.

Were you scared? Yes. But your dad was safe and you would just figure out the rest as you went. You were smart. You could get out of this.

During the thought process however, you realized the man never climbed into the drivers side. You glanced over seeing that the seat was still empty.

With panic rising in you, you turned in the leather seat, looking around the car as best as you could to see where he went. That's when you saw the trunk open.

You knew it was stupid, you've seen plenty of horror movies, but looking back to your door you saw that it was unlocked. You'd have to move fast. Really fast. While grabbing your dad in the process.

Sighing, you had a strong feeling that it wasn't going to work. You could run, but you weren't leaving your dad behind, and he was injured. There was no way you'd make it.

With a defeated sigh, your eyes fell shut for a moment, but they shot right back open when your door opened.

With confusion, you looked up at the man who was looking down at you. He stood there for a few seconds, just staring at you. Before you were able to ask any questions he leaned in, grabbing the seat belt and buckled you in. But after he was done with that, he grabbed your wrists again and that's when his other hand pulled handcuffs from his back pocket.

He quickly slapped them on you and then hooked you to the door, stretching your arms out as he still had to make room for him in between you and the open door.

It was weird to see this man be so gentle with you, especially after seeing how he was treating your dad, but even after he hooked you to the door he carefully shut it again as if he was trying to avoid hurting you.

"Wait." your panic began to escalate again as right after he shut your door, he turned around and grabbed your dad, pulling him to his feet. "No. No!"

He completely ignored you as he stuck duck tape over your dads mouth, making sure it stuck well.

With the doors shut and the windows up, you couldn't hear what the man was saying to your dad, but you kept rattling the cuffs against the door, trying to pull his attention off your father.

As you screamed out for him again, not only him, but you your dad also looked over at you. You stared back at them both for what only seemed like seconds and that's when the man grabbed the back of your dads neck and slammed him into the side of the car.

"No!" He gripped tighter onto your dads limp body and moved towards the back of the car. "No...dad. No." Your breathing was labored as you kept turning in your seat, feeling the cuffs cut into your skin as you did. But you were trying everything you could to see where he was taking your dad.

Then the back door open, and you could barely see over your shoulder as the man tossed your dad into the back seat as if he weighed as much as a toddler.

"Dad. Daddy, wake up." you kept trying to get your dad to at least open his eyes, but nothing.

The creak of the drivers door pulled your gaze up front, and the the man slid in next to you. You swallowed thickly as you watched him put the keys in the ignition and start the car up.

"You said you'd let him go." you tried to make your voice stern and angry, but it shook from the tears that were slipping from your eyes now.

"I know I did." he put the car in drive, but before he could take off you asked.

"Then why did you do that to him?" With an irritated sigh, he swung his head to look over at you.

"I'm not gonna just leave him here where he could track me down faster." Glancing outside the window, you looked over the club, remembering the cameras outside. "And trust me, if he does find us...." Feeling your body shaking lightly, you looked back to the tall man. "I'm not gonna be as nice."


It felt like hours had gone by, but according to your watch it had only been just over an hour.

Your dad was still out cold in the backseat, blood seeping through the cuts on his face. Most of them from being punched, but one good gash from being slammed against the car.

"Where are you taking him?" The mans eyes remained focused on the road. You weren't sure if he didn't hear you or if he was just ignoring you. But for how quiet it was, you were guessing he was ignoring you.

"Not sure yet."

"What did he do to you anyway?" Instead of answer, all you saw was a smirk pull at the corner of his lips. "You were going to kill him, weren't you?" His smirk turned into a sadistic smile as he looked in your direction.

"Probably." Feeling bile raise in your throat, you tore your eyes away from him, feeling your body shake as you did.

"Are you going to kill me?" you asked with a broken voice, forcing yourself to look back at him.

His smile was pretty much gone now, but as he looked over at you, his eyes ran over your entire body, making you feel slightly uncomfortable.

He looked like he was going to answer you, but then something caught his eye as he looked back out to the road. Following his gaze, you saw a gas station standing alone just up the road.

He hit the gas a little harder, causing the engine to roar as he sped toward the station. But instead of stopping, he flew right by it.

"Wh......what are you doing?" His eyes remained hard on the road, ignoring you as you kept shifting in your spot, rattling the cuffs. "Why not just drop him off there?" Still ignoring you, you couldn't help the anger that grew inside of you.

"You said that you'd let him go!"

"And I will!" he yelled back, causing you to flinch at loud his voice was. "But if you don't shut up, I'll take back my end of the deal and slit his throat right in front of you!" After seeing what he already did to your dad, you had no doubt he'd keep to his word.

So, forcing yourself to keep your mouth shut, you curled up in the corner of your seat. It was hard to get comfortable with your hands cuffed to the door, but you managed.

Resting your head against the back of the seat, you stared out the window into the dark night until your eyes finally fell shut.

BOOK ONE | dean winchester imaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu