5. beauty and the beast part one

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STORY CREATED BY soaringeag1e

Another sleepless night. But tonight was worse. Tonight was the anniversary. The one year anniversary of when that awful disease took your mother away.

You had been thinking about it all week. Hell, you'd been thinking about it all year. But the closer it got, the more you thought about it and the more you missed her.

Pulling your legs up on the couch and tucking your feet under them to keep them warm, you made sure to keep a good grip on the glass in your hand. You told yourself not to drink as much as you did the night before, but as you stared at the half empty bottle from yesterday sitting on your table, you had a feeling you wouldn't be able to stick with that goal.

You know that everyone has to go some time, but this wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to go like this. No one should. She was supposed to be here.

There's so much that you still need to share with her, like your wedding day and your first child. She's supposed to be there to help you, to tell you everything was going to be okay. To tell you how beautiful you look. To tell you that your little girl looks just like you or that your little boy has your eyes.

With tears falling from your eyes, you felt your hand begin to shake. Not wanting to have to clean up alcohol from your carpet or on your clothes, you leaned forward and carefully set the shimmering glass down before wiping away at your eyes.

Before you could completely pull yourself at least somewhat together though, you heard your phone chime. Knowing that it had to be passed midnight, your brow furrowed as you sniffled and looked over toward the bright light next to you.

Wiping at your eyes a few more times, you picked your phone up and saw a text from your dad.

Wiping at your eyes a few more times, you picked your phone up and saw a text from your dad

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Sighing, you knew he couldn't have been doing any better than you.

Grateful that you only had a sip of your drink so far, you sniffled a couple more times and wiped away more unwanted tears before texting him back.

Setting your phone down, you slid your legs out from under you and onto the floor and made your way to your room so you could throw on some real clothes

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Setting your phone down, you slid your legs out from under you and onto the floor and made your way to your room so you could throw on some real clothes.

BOOK ONE | dean winchester imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora