20. the beauty and the beast part sixteen

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STORY CREATED BY soaringeag1e

Your dad watched as you moved around the kitchen. This is how you've been since you got back. Quiet and pretty much keeping to yourself. It was definitely different than you had ever been.

When you were both together you were usually a chatter box. You would talk about work, your day in general and any other little thing that seemed to come up. But now, you barely spoke.

Once the coffee pot quit sputtering out liquid, you filled to cups and then sat a mug in front of him before moving back to yours to put your fixins in.

"Uh....honey?" Again, no words, but you glanced over your shoulder at him, letting him know you were listening. "Isn't it a little early to be going back to work? You've only been home for a week." You continued to stir in your sugar and cream.

"How long should I wait?"

"I don't know. But.....they said take all the time you need, and....I think you should be really sure that you're ready."

"I'm ready."


"Dad..." you put the lid on your cup and kissed your dad on the cheek. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

"I'm your father. That's all I do." You gave him a sweet smile over your shoulder as you left the room, and soon he heard the front door shut.

It was clear that something was wrong, but he would have to figure it out for himself because you weren't going to say anything.


Running your fingers through your hair, you tilted your head back into the water. The warmth washed over you, washing away the stress of the day.

After soaking your hair, you let your head fall forward, letting your back take the heat now to loosen your muscles.

You felt the water droplets run down over your eyes and cheeks before they fell to the shower floor. It was so relaxing that you swore you could fall asleep. But before that could happen, you pried your eyes open and now watched the water fall from your face.

The cut across your chest had healed mostly, but knowing that it was there, you could still see the scar. The other scars stuck out more, reminding you constantly of that day.

You've been back home for about two weeks now, got back into your routine and even went back to work. But it felt different now.

Everything felt different now.


"A package came for you today." You continued to dry your hair with your towel as you came into the living room. Your eyes instantly landed on the package that was sitting on the coffee table in front of your dad and you saw that it was already cut into.

"It's from Lebanon, Kansas." Dean had brought up at one point that he lived there with his brother, and of course you knew that your dad knew who sent it since he spent weeks with Sam trying to find you.

"You opened it?"

"I'm worried about you, Y/N."

"You're worried about me..." you spoke softly to yourself moving toward the package. "Did you expect a bomb to be in here or something?"

"No." You grabbed the letter that sat on top of whatever was in the box, reading over it quickly.

Found this in the passenger seat. Figured you'd want it back. -Dean

You moved the tissue paper to the side, revealing the book you got from the library that Dean took you to. But that wasn't the only thing resting in the box. A single red rose laid next to it.

"What aren't you telling me, Y/N?" Sighing, you dropped the note back into the box.

"Dad, I love you, and I don't mean for this to come out nasty, but... when are you going to go back home?"

"When I know that you're alright."

"I'm okay! How many times do I need to tell you that!?" you dropped your towel on one of your chairs and shut the box before lifting it in your arms.

"He sent you a rose."


"Y/N, this is the same man that almost beat me to death." he stood from the couch, clearly ready to push his point.

"No, it's not! And you know that." your voice cracked and you were hoping that he didn't catch it. "He's a good man, dad." Your father looked back at the package in your hand, reciting the letter in his head and picturing the rose before looking you in the eye.

"Do you love him?"

"What!? Dad..." your turned away from him, ready to head down the hall and into your room.

"Do you!? Is this why you aren't talking to me?" he followed closely and you tried to ignore him. "Are you afraid to tell me that you've fallen for the guy that put me in the hospital!?"

"Leave me alone!" you yelled before slamming your door shut and locking yourself in your room for the rest of the night.

But your dad was sure he had his answer. The tears in your eyes before shutting your door made it clear.

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