8. beauty and the beast part four

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STORY CREATED BY soaringeag1e

Those four words haven't stop screaming in Sam's head since he found the note on Dean's bed. It's been days and he has no leads to where his brother has disappeared to. He has fellow hunters keeping an eye out, but it's been silent.

Until now.

With his phone ringing, Sam looked away from the computer screen to answer it before looking back over an article he had found.


"Sam? It's Jeff."

"Hey! Yeah, did you find him?"

"Uh......no, sorry." With a disappointed sigh, Sam sat back in his chair. "But uh....I do have something that may help."

"What do you mean?" his brow furrowed as he shifted in his seat.

"Well, last night an older gentleman was taken to the hospital after stumbling into a gas station. He was covered in cuts and bruises, and when asked what had happened to him, he said some guy attacked him outside a strip club that was over two hours away from where he was found."

"What hospital is he at?" Sam instantly sat forward, grabbing a pen and piece of paper.

"Just outside Denver. I'll text you the address."

"Great. Thank you."

"And, Sam?"

"Yeah?" he grabbed his keys and made his way towards the door.

"Good luck, man."

"Thanks, Jeff."


"Eat." You jolted awake at the man's voice and then you saw him drop a bag of food on the table in front of you. According to the clock in the room, he wasn't gone too long, but you must of nodded off.

"How?" Tossing his keys on the table, he looked over at you as you pulled up on your wrists, reminding him that you were handcuffed to the chair.

You could see him contemplating whether or not he wanted to take the chance, but then he caved.

Sighing, he pulled the key from his jeans and grabbed for the cuffs, releasing you from your uncomfortable stance.

He twirled the cuffs in his hand before sliding them into his back pocket while you gently rubbed your wrists, trying to get another feeling than cold metal wrapped around them.

"So....is this how it's gonna be?" you grabbed a fry from the bag and tossed it in your mouth before pulling the rest of the food out. "We live in this motel room until someone finds us?"

"No." he grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat across from you. "I live on the road. Always have. Always will." You nodded softly, feeling the hairs on the back of your neck sticking out from the way he was staring at you.

"Okay." you took a drink before continuing. "So.....we jump from motel to motel, living off of fast food until someone finds us?"

"No one is going to find us."

"How do you know that?" Getting a darker glaze in his eyes, he leaned forward, coming surprisingly close to your face before saying with a scary amount of determination.

"Because even if someone does find us, they're going to wish they hadn't." Your heart was racing and everything in your gut was telling you to run. He was terrifying you beyond words at the moment.

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