14. the beauty and the beast part ten

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STORY CREATED BY soaringeag1e

"This place is huge." Sam covered old pictures of him and Dean with a book after hearing your father enter the room.

"Yeah." he chuckled softly, turning more in his chair. "How'd you sleep?"

"Not bad. Just got a little lost on the way here." Mike joined him at the table, seeing different books and papers laying in front of Sam than the night before. "Any luck?"

"No." Sam sighed, turning back to his computer. "I have a friend helping us out though, so I'm hoping he'll have some luck."


The sun was out, and the day was gorgeous. Many days were, but today seemed to be the best since you've been with Dean.

The frayed part of your jeans had one long string dangling from it, but instead of ripping it off, it had become your entertainment. You liked road trips to a point, but with nothing else to do, this one was beginning to be a little too much. But it was your own fault.

Dean took his eyes off the road here and there to look over at you, and when he caught you playing with the rip in your jeans the sensitive part of him pulled through again.

"How about you?" Your eyes jumped to him, clearly confused.


"Yesterday you asked me what my hobbies were, so.....how about you? What do you like to do in your down time?" Your eyes fell to your lap again as you thought about what you liked to do the most, and only one thing came to mind.

"I used to like to read."

"Used to?" You bit your bottom lip before looking over at him again.

"After my mom died I.....I don't do it as much as I used to." Though being a demon was a big difference between you and him, Dean realized you both had more in common than he thought.


"Anything?" Sam asked as Cass descended the stairs in the bunker.



"I tried, Sam."

"Well, he's not invisible!"

"Have you found him!?" Cass snapped back making Sam take a breath, knowing he went to far. He just couldn't believe how hard it was to find the one person he never had trouble finding.

"You're right, I'm sorry." he huffed as he fell into the seat he practically hasn't left in days. "I just.....I don't get why this is so hard."

"We'll find him. Eventually." Hearing footsteps approaching, they both looked up to see your dad. "Who..."

"Right. Cass, this is Mike. Mike, my friend Cass."


"Is this Y/N's father?" Sam nodded, looking between the two.

"Yeah." Mike slowly made his way up to the table, eyeing Cass the entire time.

"Wh....what is he?" Sam looked at him for a moment before chuckling softly. But it was Cass who answered him.

"I am an angel of the lord."

"Don't you ever get tired of saying it like that?" Looking back at Sam confused, Cass asked.

"Like what?"

"Like.....an angel of the lord." Sam deepened his voice, trying to mimic Cass's voice. "Why not just say 'I'm an angel"?"

"Because I am an angel of the lord." Sam eyes fell shut as he waved him off. There was no point in arguing with him.

"You're an angel?" They both looked up at Mike's question, nodding softly. "You're an angel, and you can't find my daughter?"

"Mike." Sam tried to cut in, hearing the emotion and anger in his voice..

"How can you not find somebody!?"

"It's harder than you think." Cass replied, not phased by how angry your dad was getting.

"You're a damn angel!"

"Mike, we're doing everything we can." Sam cut in, trying to calm him down, but it definitely didn't help.

"Obviously not! Otherwise my daughter would be with me right now!" Mike threw his arm out, his anger bursting at the seams. "How do I know if she's even still alive!?"

"She is." Sam answered, pretty confidently.

"What if he's right Sam?" Sam instantly glared over at Cass, silently telling him to shut his mouth.

"See!? The angel thinks she could be dead! So, how are you so sure she isn't!?"

"Because I know my brother!"

"He's a demon!"

"Demon or not, I know him! And I'm sure that if you're daughter was dead Mr. Y/L/N, we would know it." Catching his breath from all the yelling, Sam looked between the two.

"Now can we all take a breath, and try our best to stay positive so we can find them before something does happen?"


"Where are we?" you woke up groggy, but you felt the car stop and when you looked around you were in another shopping center.

"It's a surprise." Dean smiled over at you before opening his door. "Come on." You rubbed your eyes before running your fingers through your hair, hoping it wasn't too messed up to step out in public.

You looked up at the large building, admiring the architecture of it, and then your eyes landed on the sign that hung beautifully a couple feet above the large doors.

"The Dusty Attic? Sounds romantic." Dean belted out a short laugh before pulling on your arm.

"Come on."

Stepping through the doors, you would have never thought that the inside would look like it did judging from the outside.

"Whoa." you breathed, looking at your surroundings. "How did you find this place?"

"I looked it up after you fell asleep. Saw that we were heading this way so....figured we'd stop and check it out."

You were speechless. Other than the people walking around and scanning the shelves, you were surrounded by floor to ceiling wooden shelves that held thousands of books. Maybe even millions if you counted the second and third floor. Books towered over you.

"I can't believe it." you breathed, unable to stop staring at all the shelves. "I've never seen so many books in all my life."

"You like it?" Before you could answer with words, the only thing that left your mouth was pure air.

"I love it."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" his smile grew as he looked around. "Where do you want to start?" You couldn't stop smiling. This was one of the best things that anyone has ever done for you.

"I think I have an idea." A smile on your face and the excitement in your voice, Dean followed you as you swiftly walked toward one of the kiosks where employees were waiting to help people that wanted it. "Hi."

"Hi. What can I help you with today?"

"Do you have a paranormal section? You know, like....supernatural beings and everything?" The woman just smiled and nodded as she made her way around the counter.

"We sure do. This way." As she stepped in front of you both, leading the way, you looked up at Dean.

"Seriously?" he whispered down to you, and you just shrugged.

"You've made me curious."

BOOK ONE | dean winchester imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant