13. the beauty and the beast part nine

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STORY CREATED BY soaringeag1e

"So, the man who has my daughter.....is your brother."

"Yes." Sam said, scanning for your cell phone now instead of Dean's.

"And....he's possessed by a....demon?"

"I believe so, yeah. That's why you saw black eyes." Your dad nodded softly, trying to take in all the info that Sam had told him.

"So, he's not usually like that then?" Sam paused, looking up at your dad.

"No. Definitely not." That brought some comfort to your father. But the fact that he knew it was still the demon that had control, he was still nervous about how you were.

"It's not working." Sam huffed, falling back in his chair.

"What's not?"

"I tried searching Y/N's phone, but.....he must of done something to it." Frustration was long gone. What Sam was feeling now, there was no words for it. "He knows how to cover his tracks, so.....since he doesn't want us to find him.... our chances are very slim."


"What did you like to do?" Dean looked at you, confused being an understatement. "When you were, you know, human? What did you like to do when you weren't...hunting?" you laughed softly, watching him as he went back to working on the car.

"Well, this was definitely one of my favorites."


"Yeah. It's different now though." he finished tightening a bolt when he stood up. "I don't feel anything now. Not like I used to." Even though the emotion wasn't in his voice, there was still something about him that put off the emotion for him.

"Does that go for everything you do?" He wiped his hands off on a rag as he locked eyes with you.

"Seems like it. Yeah."

"So, everything you used to enjoy? It's just....a thing now?" He nodded, as he thought it over. But he seemed pretty confident.

"Except sex." he threw out there with a smirk. "That's still enjoyable." You giggled quietly while biting your lip.

"Well, I guess that's something." A warmth grew in you as his eyes lingered over you. But you had to remind yourself that you were his hostage. "Um...almost done?" you cleared your throat, making him look back to the engine.

"Yeah. I think I got it." 


Day after day, the atmosphere in the car changed. It would still be quiet from time to time, but now it was a comfortable silence. Almost as if you were on a road trip with a friend. But it wasn't only the drive that felt different. Dean himself seemed different too. It's like the demon side of him went into hibernation. Or even better, just disappeared all together.

You both would talk, about anything really. About hunts he had been on. Other crazy things he has seen. He would talk about Sam a lot too, and though he swears up and down that he rather never see him again, deep down he clearly wanted a different outcome.

"You wanna grab dinner or get to a motel and order in?" he didn't have to wait long for an answer. You were tired of sitting in the car and you were more than ready to stretch out on a bed, no matter how uncomfortable it would be, eat and pass out.

"Motel." With a nod, he pushed down on the gas pedal, making the engine roar a little more as it barreled down the road. No more than fifteen minutes later you both ran into a decent motel. The bed was better than you expected, you practically moaned as you stretched across it.

"Should I leave you alone for a little bit?" You peeked through a crack in your eye lid, seeing him smirk as he looked over at you.

"You might need too. This feels amazing." you hummed as you forced the bed to mold around you more. You heard the smallest chuckle come from him and you almost opened your eyes, but you just couldn't pull yourself to do it.

"Well, in that case.....you mind if I watch?" That's when one of your eyes shot open, seeing him take a seat at the table. But he was facing the bed as if he were serious and ready for a show.

"Yes." you spoke, pulling yourself from comfort and sitting up. "I do mind."

"Suit yourself." he shrugged before grabbing the book that held all the close restaurants in the area. "What do you feel like? Italian? Mexican? Indian?"

"Is there just a pizza place somewhere in there?" An amused chuckle came from him as he flipped the page.


"Then that's fine with me." With a smirk, Dean pulled out his phone and gave the first place that sounded good a call.


Tossing the leftover crust in the box, Dean saw that the two of you had finished the large pizza within just a few hours. But now you were in a food coma.

He looked over at you, curled up on your side of the bed with the glow of the TV making you a little more visible to him. You were out cold and it took him a little longer to take his eyes off of you. He just couldn't do it. There was something about you that made him feel like less of a demon and more like the old Dean. The man he used to be.

Grabbing the pizza box, he walked it over to the table and set it down. There was no point in breaking it down and tossing it in the trash in risk of waking you up. He would worry about it tomorrow. Or maybe he would just leave it for housekeeping, he hadn't decided yet.

Crawling back into bed, he pulled on his half of the covers and rested them over you so now you were completely wrapped in the rooms only blankets. He never really needed them anyway.

Laying on his side, he watched you until his eyes fell shut. The entire time wondering what was happening to him. Was he growing soft, or was the demon in him slowly dying off somehow?

BOOK ONE | dean winchester imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now