19. the beauty and the beast fifteen

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STORY CREATED BY soaringeag1e

"We're about half way there. Still a few hours out." Cass continued to follow the signal that your phone was giving off. They were all aware that you may not be with the phone, but they were sure hoping you were.

Sam glanced back to your dad who was sitting in the back seat. His emotions were clearly going wild.

Were you alive? Were you okay? Was your phone on the opposite side of the country than you? Or were they going to find your dead body with it in a ditch somewhere?



"I know, I'm sorry." With his arm around you, Dean carefully sat you down on the bed. Another motel, another town and yet another injury. Well, this time, multiple injuries. "Don't move." You bit your lip as you tried to push through the pain, and though looking over your body probably made the pain worse, you couldn't help but see what the damage was.

Dean swiftly came back in the room, no doubt coming in from the car. After shutting the door and locking it behind him, he pulled up yet another wooden chair so he could patch you back up.

"What were those things? What did he send after us?" you groaned as he grabbed some rubbing alcohol and a rag from his duffel, then he looked up at you.

"Hell hounds."

"Wha.....like....dogs from hell?"

"Pretty much." he poured the alcohol over the rag, looking you in the eye once more. "But much worse." Your eyes met the rag, knowing that the cloth was soon going to bring you more pain than you were already in.

"I know this is going to hurt, but you need to hold still, okay?" You bit your lip, nodding as you prepared yourself for the pain as much as you could. But no matter what you did, nothing prepared you for that burning sensation.

You screeched, but bit down on your lip harder to keep it quiet. Squeezing your eyes shut, you could still feel tears making their way through the cracks.

It took a little bit, but when the pain slowly subsided, probably from your body going numb, you looked back to Dean, seeing him still working on the one gash across your leg.

"Why could you see them and not me?" Not knowing that you were done scrunching in pain, his eyes met yours briefly.

"I'm a demon, Y/N."

"Right." you rolled your eyes at yourself. The pain apparently stopped your brain from functioning. "Stupid question."

After wrapping up that wound, Dean went for the others. He moved as fast as he could, but it probably took up to a half hour if not a little more to completely fix you up.

"This one isn't as bad." he gently dabbed at the cut across your chest. Thankfully it wasn't much deeper than a nasty paper cut. It had stopped bleeding before all the others.

"Thank you, Dean." He pulled the rag away before looking you in the eye.

"For what?"

"For not killing me." With a smile, he set the rag aside and grabbed the bottle of whiskey next to him, taking a drink before handing it to you.

"You're welcome." You smiled through the bottle, taking a big drink. Cause, lets face it, the last few days haven't been the best.

"What are you doing?" you asked when you pulled the bottle away from your lips and saw Dean pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"What I should have done when I left you alone at the last motel." You continued to look at him with confusion as he pulled the phone up to his ear.

It was silent for awhile, and it made you wonder what he was doing. But then he finally spoke.

"Hiya, Sam."


"My dad went to him?"

"That's what he said." Dean was leaned up against the Impala while you sat at the lonely bench on that edge of the park.

"But.......how did he know to....." you were at a loss for words, but thankfully Dean knew what you were trying to say.

"Sam was probably looking for me when he found your dad."

After awhile you believed that Dean had left your dad alive, but to hear that he was with Sam, that brought so much relief to you.

"What's going to happen now then?" The dread in your voice made it clear to Dean what you meant, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't dreading what was coming next too.

"Well....you're going to go home with your dad."

"And you?" your heart was racing, though you were pretty sure you knew what he was going to say.

"Me?" his eyes dropped from yours because your intense stare was getting to him. "I guess I'm going to go back with my brother."

The sound of a car stopped either of you from saying anything else, and your heart about jumped out of your chest when you saw that it was your car that pulled into the parking lot.

As it pulled into an empty spot, you slowly stood from the bench, your eyes only looking at Dean for a second before locking back onto the car.

A tall man with close to shoulder length hair stepped out of the driver seat, and you could see the similarities that he had to Dean which made you believe that was his brother..

A slightly shorter man stepped out of the driver side with dark hair and a tan trench coat. You weren't sure who he was, and honestly at the moment, you didn't care.

Then there he was. Your dad stepped out from the back of the car, your eyes meeting instantly.

"Dad?" A tear slid from your eye and as he began to walk toward you, you took off after him. Running into his arms, he instantly wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight and your dam broke. Tears spilled from your eyes, soaking his shirt in seconds.

Sam smiled at the reunion and even Dean couldn't help but have a half smile as he watched the two of you. He didn't even notice that Sam walked over to him because he had tunnel vision right to you.

"What made you call me?" Dean watched as you hugged your dad even tighter, and from what he could see, you weren't letting go of him anytime soon.

After soaking you in for another moment, Dean finally pulled his eyes away and looked at his brother.

"Doesn't matter." he glanced your way once more and then turned on his heel. "Come on."

BOOK ONE | dean winchester imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now