2. like we always do part one

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STORY CREATED BY revengingbarnes

You woke up with a start.

Your heart was beating a mile a minute, breaths coming heavy and fast. Your eyes shot open, body covered in a layer of sweat under your black jacket. Your head whipped around trying to gather where you were.

The first thing you noticed was that you were sitting up and not laying down. In front of you was a steering wheel, beneath you, a car seat. The leather covering the seat squeaked as you moved. Your eyes drifted up, looking out the windshield. You seemed to have been parked on the side of a dark road, the sky above showcasing twinkling stars.

You had no idea where you were, or how you got there.

Your eyebrows furrowed still deeper, body going rigid as you tried to recall something, anything, and realizing you couldn't remember anything at all. Mild panic started to set in, and your already erratic heart wasn't helping. You clenched your hands into fists, stilling yourself and trying to take deep breaths. Okay, there had to be a logical explanation for all this. Maybe you had drunk too much last night.

Can alcohol make you forget your own name? If yes, where's your morning after hangover?

You knew that whatever was going on, it wasn't alcohol induced. You had a deep feeling, almost like an ache in your gut. Something was very wrong.

You yelped out loud when a noise interrupted the silence inside the car. You shuffled around to try and locate the tune, realizing it was coming from your jacket pocket, digging your hand deep inside it to pull out a phone. You stared at the screen, a simple name displayed on it.


You remained still until the phone stopped ringing before you tried opening the phone. You tried several combinations, none of which worked. Frustrated, you settled on staring at the picture on the lockscreen. It took you several moments to realize that it was you.

Your eyes drifted to the man next to you, taking in his features. He was much taller than yourself in the picture, all sharp angles and built muscles. He was wearing a blue jacket on top of what looked like three other shirts, a huge grin splitting his face, with an arm thrown around your shoulder, the other was buried in his jeans pocket. Both of you were smiling at whoever was behind the camera.

You didn't have a clue about who the man was, and that scared the crap out of you.

You looked at the picture again, noticing how comfortable you look. Relaxed. Happy. None of what you were feeling right now. Your eyes moved to the background, trying to pick out anything that might give you a clue about where you were, or in fact, who you were.

You and the man were leaning against the bumper of a shiny black car, which, no surprise, you didn't recognize. You shut the phone and looked around the car, eyeing the keys in the ignition. You worried your lower lip between your teeth. It was obvious that you had drove yourself here, wherever here was. You looked outside again, realizing you had been sitting there a good ten minutes and no car had driven past. Looking at the watch strapped to your wrist, your eyebrows shot up when you saw that it was almost 2am.

It was then that you noticed the burning ache on your side. Groaning, you tore off your jacket, goosebumps settling over your bare arms. Lifting up the hem of your shirt, you gasped at the big purple bruise blooming on your side. Suddenly, you were hyper aware of your body, noticing the other ailments you had. The stinging on your cheek proved to be a small cut, and one side of your jaw showed a swelling. Did you get into a fight?

The phone started ringing again, the same name on the screen. Dean.

You contemplated whether you should answer or not. You didn't really have a lot of other choices. You couldn't unlock the phone, so no use trying to get information from there. And you didn't know where the hell you were. In a flash, your finger swiped on the screen and the phone was placed to your ear.

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