Chapter 8 A painting of the heart

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**Audrina's POV**

"Zayn!" I was shocked when I opened the door to see him.

"Hi," he said sheepishly.

"Aren't you suppose to be at a meeting with management?" I questioned him, not letting him in.

"Yeah, but I don't want to go." He said.

"Zayn, don't be an idiot! You have to go or you'll just create a bigger mess than it already is!"

"But they'll just yell at me!" Zayn tried to defend himself but I didn't buy it.

"You deserve some yelling at, " I smiled. "Just go, please! Do it for me." I did my best puppy dog eyes I could possible do.

"I.....uh.....but.....fine!" He said rushing of. That boy honestly! He'll be the death of me. Why did he always come to me though? Well, if I was in his position I would probably go to him, so! I wondered how long the meeting was. I texted Louis do find out. He sad two hours and he also wondered if I'd seen Zayn. I told him that I hadn't seen him. It was odd not telling Louis the truth but that doesn't matter. An idea was blooming in my mind. I wanted to do something nice for Zayn since he stood up for me and came to see me since I'd been upset. It was so sweet of him. Oh, did I just call him sweet? Oopsie!

"What should I do for two hours?" I asked myself standing in the middle of my flat. I should really get a pet. It would give me an excuse to talk to myself. I was really hungry. I tried to ignore but I couldn't. I wish people didn't have to eat to live. That we just lived and eating was a choice! Okay, that was a particularly weird thought. I'M TALKING TO MYSELF! Have I gone mad? Yes, I'm afraid so.

"I need a cat." I sighed and flopped down on my couch. I didn't want see Kimberly so I had pretty much nothing to do. Maybe I should paint!? I hadn't painted in ages and I did love it! My paintbrushes and canvases were in a cupboard underneath the stairs. They were a bit dusty but I was glad that the idea hit me. I set my things up and just let my hand go with it. Painting was natural for me since I painted before I walked. I remembered how Louis and I would sit and I would draw flowers quite well and he'd just sit there watching me. He said it was more fun since he wasn't any good. I closed my eyes for a second, letting my brush roam freely on the canvas. I opened my eyes. I was shocked. Unknowingly I had drawn a G clef, just like my tattoo on my hand. It brought tears to my eyes. I don't know why, but it made me break a bit inside. It was big and had loads of small notes around it and a colourful background. I liked it. One of my best. My works were usually better when I just let my heart paint. Did it mean anything? It usually did when I drew something with my heart. My thoughts were interrupted by my phones beeping. I'd set it on an alarm so I knew when the boys' meeting was finished. I grabbed my phone and put my coat on.

I felt happy. I hadn't felt real actual happiness since the boys lashed out on me. My feet carried me without me telling them where to go. The sun was setting and the sky was a pinkish colour. I had my painting in my hands. It was a gift. I was going to give it to Zayn, since he was all I could think about that must be what my heart wants, I thought. The skies yellow, pink and blue were all in the background. My hands were trembling a bit when I reached up to knock on his door. It only took a couple of seconds before the door flew open.

"Audrina!" Zayn seemed pretty surprised to see me, but surprised in a good way. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Hi," I said and gave him a genuine smile. "Can I come in?"

"Of course!" He said and stepped aside. I hid the front of my painting so that he wouldn't see it.

"Here." I smiled and gave him the painting. The front was facing downwards so he wouldn't see it. He smiled at me before taking it. He flipped it over in his hands and his smile grew wider.

"It's wonderful!" He said and looked up to me. "You didn't have too!"

"No, I did. The way you've been treating me, I owe you and this was the least I could do." He picked me up in a hug. The butterflies were going crazy just by his touch. He set me down carefully and for once I felt light.

"It's beautiful." He said, his arms still around me. "Almost as beautiful as you." He whispered in my ear and I shivered. I hoped he didn't notice but I think he did. Zayn led me through his flat and into the lounge. I sat down next to him, quite close. He put his arm around me and I felt my heart flutter by just such a small gesture. One thing was clear now. I had feelings for him. More than just friends. That's what I wanted and that's what I was getting but only in front of a camera. The fact that this was all fake killed me.

"How did the meeting go?" I asked.

"Really bad!" Zayn chuckled. "I'm lucky to be alive!" I just chuckled at his statement.

"By the way, the interview that's in two days, we need to practice." He said.

"But I already know all the answers." I whined, sinking further into Zayn's arms.

"I didn't mean practice the questions." He whispered. I bet I looked like a tomato. He laughed at my reddened face. "I was just joking!" He smiled.

"I know..." I mumbled hiding my face in my hands. A pair of bigger hands removed them from my face. I looked up and met Zayn's beautiful brown eyes. I practically melted inside. He pulled me onto his lap and had his arms around me. I could definitely get used to this. We sat like that in silence for a while. I liked his company, it made me feel safe and happy.

"Zayn?" I sighed.


"What are we?"

"What do you mean?" He spoke up. I turned around, still on his lap. A bit embarrassed by my position. I was almost straddling him...

"I mean what's going on between us?"

"Well, right now there's some air between us and I that air there are particles of dust and-"

"Zayn!" I laughed and hit his arm playfully. "I'm being serious!"

"So am I! You asked what was between us so I was explaining!" Zayn was laughing too.

"Whatever!" I laughed, not bothering to ask again. The answer could wait. Right now I just wanted to be in the arms of the one I cared for. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms found their way around my waist. Have to say that I missed being held like this. Being held in a way that was more than friendly. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time and I enjoyed it. I'm not gonna lie. As I relaxed and let my head rest on his shoulder I felt drowsier and drowsier.

"I'm getting tired, I should go." I said trying to untangle myself from him.

"Please," He spoke up. "Stay."

It made me smile. Not only that he wanted me to stay but he said it like when I wanted him to stay. He pulled me close to his chest again. I listened to his heartbeat. Slow and soft, unlike mine. My heart was going at one hundred kilometres per hour! These feelings must be strong. I couldn't say it was love, but something was blossoming. I heard Zayn murmur something into my hair but I didn't hear him.

"What?" I mumbled closing my eyes.

"You're perfect." His words brought a smile to my lips. My stomach did a little summersault, there were butterflies, my heart fluttered and all that. He called me perfect. I was far from perfect but the fact that I was perfect in his eyes made me almost cry. It was rare that I felt this way. The thing was, he's perfect too. I don't know why I didn't tell him so. Maybe I fell asleep before I had a chance. All I remember was the happiness I felt.


Not proof read an shit...

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