Chapter 4 'Date'

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***Audrina's POV***

Zayn leaned in closer, closer and closer. It was raining and we were outside my porch. I knew we weren't going to be interrupted now, so I just relaxed and shut my eyes. I felt him, close to me and then....


A HUGE lightning bolt hit not far from us. It made us both jump and pull away! SERIOUSLY! How many freakin' times is this gonna happen!?

"I'll see you tomorrow." Zayn mumbled and left, probably a bit embarrassed. I walked into my flat so I could dry my damp hair. Standing under the porch doesn't give that much shelter. I walked through my big flat to my bathroom and had a shower. So many things were flying through my mind. Did I like Zayn? Are we ever gonna kiss? How does he feel about me? And it's only been, like, two days! How is that even possible? I know I kissed him once when we played truth or dare but it's not the same. Then you just press your lips together, no emotion or passion or anything. Plus, then the others were there, eying our every move. I need advice! NOW! I threw on some new clothes and then got my phone. I dialled the number and it didn't take long until mum answered.

"Mum!" I sighed in relief when she picked up.

"Audrina! How is everything? You haven't spoken to me in a while and I was getting worried! Have you been busy?"

"That's one way to put it."

"What's on your mind sweetheart?"

"I met Louis the day before yesterday." I said and heard mum gasp a bit.

"Really!? How is he? You haven't seen him in years!"

"Yes, mum! He's good and I know it's been long, it's just.....he came with some baggage."

"Does he have one of those snobby Hollywood girlfriends? Don't worry 'bout her! He'll soon realise it's you he loves!"



"Stop jumping to conclusions and let me talk!"

"Oh, sorry."

"No, it's his band. They have a management that control their every move and they decided together with Aileen that I was going to date one of his band mates for press and we didn't even get to have a saying in it!" Finally I could let it out.

"Go on." Mum said, in her thinking voice.

"And then, the boy I'm suppose to 'date' is the cutest. That means that I'm definitely going to fall in love with him. We've only known each other, like, 24 hours and we've almost kissed, THRICE!"

"It's okay, sweetie. And if you've almost kissed thrice, don't you think he also likes you?" Mum said in a matter of fact.

"I don't know! I mean he's super famous and almost every single girl in the universe would swoon by just seeing him! Why would he go for me!?" I let all my frustration out. It'd been building up inside me and now it came tumbling down.

"Audrina, if you didn't already notice, you're also super famous and famous people usually tend to date each other because they know that the other one doesn't want fame or money 'cause they already have that! You're gonna have to realise that!"

"Okay.." I said stubbornly.

"And don't be so afraid of falling in love! Sure you're gonna get hurt sooner or later, but you need to take risks sometimes." Mums wise words sunk in. She always knows what my problems are about.

"Thanks for the advice, mum. I just need some time to think." I couldn't bother talking more about it.

"Okay sweetheart. Speak to you soon." I hung up and sat and pondered about what'd just happened today. I wondered what's gonna happen tomorrow. We're gonna talk about going public. Now it gets serious, the press could see right through us if we didn't play our cards completely right. I sat on the couch and just let all my thoughts spin around in my head. I must've sat like that for an hour, 'cause when I looked at the clock on the wall, it was seven thirty. I realised I hadn't eaten in ages, which was good. I didn't want to get fat now that the press is gonna be all over me and Zayn. Plus if I lose weight his fans won't call me fat! But I couldn't ignore my stomach, it was killing me, so I just had one slice of toast. Hopefully it won't show, I thought. I went to bed really early because I couldn't take all my thoughts, just spinning.


When I woke up I checked my clock. It was early but I needed to get ready. I jumped out of my bed and had a shower. Then I threw on some clothes and skipped breakfast. I took a minute to look at myself in the mirror. My upper body was nice, my collarbones stuck out and I had slim arms. I didn't like my legs, they were fat and disgusting, I don't know how people can look at them. That needs to change, I thought. And since I'm suppose to 'date' Zayn Malik I have to be really slim, or the fans will give me hate if I'm the least bit chubby. Well, they'll give me hate anyway! I was nervous, I mean, what if the press sees right through it? I scolded myself for thinking like that. It'll just make it worse! We decided on that I was meeting the boys at Harry's and Louis' flat and we'd go to the meeting together. It was still pretty early but I decided to go since I didn't have anything else to do. When I got to their flat I knocked on the door.

No answer. I knocked again. No answer.

"OI!" I shouted and banged on the door. The door opened shortly after, revelling a very sleepy Louis.

"Bloody hell, Audrina! You're gonna wake the whole of London!"

"I tried knocking softly but you never came! I almost started to think you abandoned me!" I said acting hurt and held my heart. He chuckled and steeped aside letting me in.

"Sorry that I'm here so early I just didn't have anything to do!" I said as I walked in.

"It's fine!" He said and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but I needed to get up anyway." He smiled.

"I can make you breakfast, to make up for waking you?"

"Be my guest!" He followed me into the kitchen. I loved cooking so I would always ask if people were hungry. I was hungry myself but I can't eat! I don't want to gain weight. Louis helped me to prepare and he helped me with the cooking too.

"The other day, when we were hanging out, Zayn told me you and him talked a bit."

"Yeah....?" I said looking at him.

"He told me that you said you were very insecure about your body?" I mentally slapped myself for accidentally telling Zayn. I was on a rant and it just kinda slipped out.


"You shouldn't be Audrina!" He gave me a serious look.

"I can't exactly help it!" I shrugged.

"Is it because of the hate?"

"No, I was insecure before, and I don't want to talk about it." I desperately wanted to change the subject. If he noticed I wasn't eating he'd do something and I didn't want to get fat!

"Okay." He sighs. "I'm gonna go up and change, can you wake Harry for me?"

"Is he an ass in the morning?"




"If he's an ass in the mornings I will not get him!" I said and crossed my arms.

"To bad! You don't have a choice!" Louis laughed.

"Fine!" I huffed and waddled over to Harry's bedroom door and knocked on it.

"Go away!" Harry groaned.

"Not until you get your fat arse out of bed!" I said, laughing a bit. Harry opened his door.

"Sorry, I thought you were Louis. And did you just say that I have a fat arse?"

"Yes." I laughed.

"Now, now! That's not very nice'" he scolded me. I just laughed.

"Truth hurts!" I laughed. Harry acted offended.

"I'm sooooooo offended!" He said in an American accent.

"Whatever. Breakfast is on the table, bye!" I said and walked over to the couches and watched TV. After a while Louis came down and sat with me. Now we were just waiting for the boys to get here and then we'd leave for the meeting. I was kinda nervous to meet Zayn. What if things are really awkward between us now? That would be awful.

"When are they getting here?" I asked and looked at my watch. I hardly had time to finish my sentence before hearing a knock on the door.

Here we go!


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